Friday, June 29, 2007
Points to Ponder
How do we tell what that purpose is on our own? Will it come to us suddenly one fine day or in the middle of a dream at night and we shout 'Eureka' and jump up with recognition?
Do we wait for a sign from the heavens or go about our life's business anyway and discover it on our own? If we sit around waiting for things to happen to us, only one thing happens: we continue to sit around on our butts and guess what? NOTHING HAPPENS!! So obviously, sitting around ain't the solution. That's like a status quo solution for a status quo situation, one that results in a status quo decision!!
They say one must 'make things happen, will them to happen' etc. We need to also ACT on them so that atleast SOMETHING happens. Atleast then, choices arise and decisions can be made.
Let's say we think X is the purpose of my life, or for more confounded souls, X, Y, and Z are also purposes, how do we decide which is the ideal one we should be pursuing?
Can one's purpose in life keep changing as life goes on? Or is it something that remains constant and keeps empowering you? Mind you, I am not referring to one's goals in life. Those (atleast the ones that are realistic) can be achieved. And once that milestone has been crossed, then what? Yes, the next goal. So we are not discussing goals here...those can be set, aimed at, and realised.
Yes, I'm seeking answers. All I seem to get are never ending questions in my head.
So how does one go about living one's life? Is it about living each day to the fullest? If so, then do you :
1) Live each day as if it were your last day on earth?
2) Live each day as if it is your first day on earth?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Gagged by Tagged and Boggled by Google!
So I signed up like a good li'l girl and filled out the basics of my profile. Thought this was yet another way to keep in touch with my pals scattered across the globe and even some jobless ones who live in the same city. Before I submitted the profile, I got a welcome email from a really old friend who had sent me the email, when actually it was the site that had sent me an automated email. I thought she was online since it showed me up as online and I presumed she was too. I put up a pic of myself and was just trying to figure out what was different about this website.
Next thing I knew my mailbox was flooded with emails proclaiming 'You have received an email from Tagged!' I open them one by one and find scores of random people leaving even more random messages for me. Sheesh! Had thought it was just friend-to-friend contact. I prefer to pick and choose my friends, you stupid site! I'm also very picky about whom I pick! I refuse to have some dumb automated robot do it for me!
The pics of the people who had sent me messages were from really weird looking pics of men. There was also Brad Pitt in an unbuttoned shirt emerging from the sea. Somehow I doubt that was the original Brad. Then there were cartoons, fruits, scenery pics, and helicopter pics.
The profile names ranged from people's boring first and last names to 'naughtyguy'. There was even someone named Pushpaaa. All those A's for numerology I guess or was it just coz Pushpaaa was plain happy to see me? 'Coz her/his message was "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, wanna be ur fren, shall we chat?"
Along came this 69 yr old dude who sent a 'frandsip' request. Most other messages were rather meek. The messengers seemed fairly tongue-tied and didn't go beyond 'Hi', or 'Hi, how r u', 'I'm looking for a sweet friend' or 'Wanna chat?'. All these sarcastic comebacks sprang to mind like 'I dont care who you are', 'So what?' and 'N-O'.
One guy proceeded to tell me he was the TL at a BPO and another said he was from IIT. I guess these were supposed to be 'ice breakers' and 'conversation starters' and I should have been impressed.
The messages took the cake, the bakery, and the bakery chain. From friendship rhymes (can hardly term them 'poetry'), pick up lines, begging and pleading (double and triple messages from the same profile id), people saying we should chat 'coz we were in the same city (some logic and this was all wrong info anyway), some asking for a date and finding that funny by giggling at the end of the message, some who wanted to 'make friendship' to one guy's gem -- Hi sister, how r u? I like making sisters, will you be my sister? Pls sister, say yes, if no, then also ok, but take care'.
In the span of an hour I received over 70 messages. I changed my age to 106 and got some smart aleck replies to that. Finally one guy said I didnt look 106 years old and then it finally dawned on me! It was 'coz of the pic that I was inundated with unfathomable mind boggling messages!! All this hulla gulla, sheesh! Took down the pic rightaway and changed the profile id as well. Shukar hai, only 3 messages have come in so far.
Tagged simply shows all the profiles to all its members, so any random dude can send any Tagged member a message! Jeez. I spent the better part of the hour deleting each message one by one and also the automated mails in my mail inbox.
If this keeps up and none of my actual friends send me any messages there elucidating what is so terrific about this website, the profile is going down by this weekend. I have too many things going on in my life to spend time deleting idiotic scraps/messages from idiots.
These sites dont just tag you, they just go all out and gag you!!!!
*still gagging at the experience*
As for being gagged by Google, its weeks since I've been able to login to my blogger a/c. Finally deleted some 100MB worth of temp files from my PC as well as emptied cache of all cookies. That seemed to work for Orkut and I can actually log in there now. Another matter that I won't :D Blogger still doesn't work, damn login page refreshes automatically. Now fixed the problem by downloading Firefox.
Die IE!
Die Google!! (ok, not just yet)
Die Blogger!!!!! That would be the day!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Stoopid Cupid? Or Modern Day's Speedy Cupid?
Notions of love and romance in the so-called traditional manner of red roses, dining in candlelight or holding hands in the moonlight, perfumed love letters written in ink, Shakespearean sonnets, and lingering poetry are truly a thing of the past.
Today, its all about ordering flowers online, along with a gigantic red cushioned heart, a teddybear, chocolates, expensive jewellery and what not. None of which makes an everlasting memory, especially since its pure commercialism that lacks soul.
Instant fulfillment is the buzzword now. Have money, will lavish. It certainly ain't the thought that counts, only the currency notes - the more the merrier.
Looking for fast love? A la George Michael?
Into this seemingly sacred world of pyar, ishq, aur mohabbat, comes dating and its variations that are currently in vogue. Whosoever invented the concept of speed dating and that too, into India, must certainly have a very wry sense of humor!
Speed dating - can it get faster than 3 mins to make or mar a potential suitor/love interest? They say it works on the concept of the first impression being the lasting impression. Never mind what side of the bed one might have awoken from that morning or if something unpleasant occurred on your way to the venue.
A journo landed at the city’s very first foray into this [mis(s?)]adventure all eager and enthusiastic about reporting a historical moment in this conservative city. But what is the point in watching from the sidelines? So, said journo dived right in and signed up as a player in the game.
One facial expression seemed to dominate the 50 odd guys and girls in the age groups of 18-30 gathered there – CLUELESS. The event was heavily advertised in the newspapers as a “speed meeting”. Like that makes the agenda very clear to all somehow.
Funnily enough, the organisers did not ensure the usual strict rules that speed dating follows in the western world. That of a cut off of 3 mins flat when a bell rings (tolls?) signalling that each participant has to move on to the next table where a new guy/girl awaits his/her luck in love. This resulted in abundant confusion, painfully long silences crossing 3 mins, inane conversation, nervous twitters, and twiddling of thumbs and toes by all.
Sample this convo:
Journo: *nervous smile* Hi…
Weird Looking Guy (WLG): *silence*
Both look askance for a while. All of a sudden, Journo hears a chomping sound and looks up to find WLG munching on peanuts rather noisily and at a furious pace. With an amused expression on her face she says:
“You like peanuts?”
WLG: “Oh, I love peanuts! Like them a lot!” (extends arms to show how much he likes them)
Journo: “Really…you should pack some and take them home then…”
WLG: “Oh, I have LOTS of peanuts at home, a whole lot in fact…”
Journo: “Okay…” (rolls eyes in her head)
An awkward silence envelops them again…
Finally, journo gets to get away from monkey man and breathe easy!
The local TV music channel made its presence felt with banners and its dolled up babelicious VJs sticking their mikes in the unsuspecting faces of the guys and girls who showed up. Most of these people who had signed up to participate in the “speed meeting” event looked lost as though they had wandered in by accident. Some had no expression on their faces; they probably thought they would get dope for free, what with the misleading event title! On offer were snacks and drinks at a five star hotel for a 500-buck cover charge.
The whole thing was very amusing to say the least, especially since many of the girls actually brought their dads along!! Wonder what crossed the minds of these over protective dads who witnessed the strange goings on?!
And where does all this leave dear ol’ Cupid with his antique bow and arrow ensemble? With people whizzing in and out of relationships in the blink of an eye these days, does Cupid sign off with “Speedily yours”? :P
Wonder if Cupid is as bemused as me…if so, then we could be soulmates – Cupid and I.
Cupid honey, will you be my valentine? :-)
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Being Single = Being an Alien?
If your friends are single, rejoice in their happiness! Leave them be! Why does this bother the doubles, i.e. the couples? They seem hell bent on setting up their single friends/relatives with 'so-called' eligible partners.
While their actions might be well meaning, their choices are appalling! They believe they know who/what might be best for their single friends, completely disregarding that people can think for themselves! They go into overdrive foisting their opinions and 'wise' counsel on others.
Probably a way of living vicariously through the lives of others.
If only they were in a similar situation of 'pick-and-choose'. Would their lives have been different today? For all their good intentions, they only seem to promote utter losers and defend them as well as their stance till kingdom come!
The arguments in favor vary from:
-- So what if he appears reserved, he makes a lot of money!
-- So what if he's conservative, he lives abroad!
-- So what if he appears less than sophisticated, you can change him!
...and so on and so forth! Whatever! Do-gooders, spare me your "concern" and concentrate on saving yourself from the curses and witch-craft spells I'm casting upon you! The pot with the magic potion is boiling, bubbling, and frothing over with bat wings and spider legs and creepy crawly roaches--all getting done nice and rare just for you.
Dinner will be served soon. Bon Apetite!!! Grrrr....!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Influences like Influenza
Party gal! Dancing is all I can think and feel like doing lately.
Not hungry! Now this is a biggie...a bhukkad like me not even feeling hungry...another one bites the dust!
Kiddish! Again...kiska influence hai, baap??
Angry young woman! Kaam waam ne paagal kar diya apun ko :(