Monday, April 24, 2006

Toon Talk

Watched the movie ‘Shark Tale’ finally on telly. The characters and voices of Will Smith and gang were so darn cute. Thoroughly enjoyed the animation, dialogues, and Lenny--the sissy shark :-)

‘Finding Nemo’ and the ‘Lion King’ are two of my favorite toon flicks. Now waiting like an expectant mother for Ice Age to come out.

One thing, though, is that technically brilliant animation movies these days are totally adult-oriented with smart-ass dialogues. They have to be cool and hip, else it simply ain’t happenin', brutha!

Movies like ‘Jungle Book’ were made purely for kids. But the adults that accompanied them enjoyed the simplicity too and it transported them back to their childhood.

Guess that’s why once we grow up(some of us at least), we continue to enjoy good ole cartoons on telly like ‘Tom and Jerry’ and ‘Tweety and Sylvester’.

Even cartoon strips like ‘Calvin & Hobbes’ and ‘Garfield’—two of the most popular cartoon strips and three of the most important characters (Hobbes is real, you know, plus he totally rocks :-)) are full of digs and takes on cynicism, sarcastic wit, what’s cool, and oh, ok, I concede, rocketships and pizza. Like space shuttles and pizza have anything to do with age. Uh-huh!

While the above two cartoon series are absolutely adorable, my other faves include Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the whole Peanuts gang, Beetle Bailey, Dilbert, Archies, and the full-blown series of The Adventures of Tintin and Snowy, and Asterix.

Its toon time, folks! Get the popcorn!


Anonymous said...


Cartoons are just a way to create humour & make us laugh! I still love to watch "Tom & Jerry" & laugh like a kid :-)

It kinda takes me back to my childhood days!!!

Keep blogging..
Take care,

Anonymous said...


Just Jane said...

Your logo is apt for this post! :)

Shoo away! :D

Anonymous said...


I dunno your name yet dear?!!! And cut the "h" from my name plz.. its Aarti :-)

Take care,

Virdi said...

calvin is my hero... he is my mentor... and hobbes is my guide for pataoing girls... ;-)


Kusum Rohra said...

Hehehe yeah love calvin and hobbes :0, I missed shark tales :( about time I see it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chosen,

Its nice to see u in the blog world..i too agree the animation movies are for the child at heart adults and not for the kids at all.My dotter never enjoyed Ice -age 2 tho'finding Nemo has been a hit wid the kids.As for the Comic strips Garfield is my fav too,Calvin is cute. Didja know he is a clone of one of the US PRez.Thats some "gyan" .Take care and show ur true colors !!

Just Jane said...

#Aarti, so sorry, I am very particular about the way my name is spelt too...and abhi ke liye, naam is mystery...ssshhhh...All will be revealed in good time...:-)

#Praaji, welcome to Shades, Hues and Tints! Can you pls keep the girl funda restricted to your blog?? :-)

#Kusum, the movie Shark Tale is on cable all this month...don't miss it! Will is the cool, but silly fish :-)

#Bharoos, hello, good evening, and welcome to my show :-) About 'gyaan' about Calvin :O...which prez?? This is interesting indeed.

Calvin for Prez! Calvin for Prez! :-)

Rider on the Storm said...

Thats cool stuff...yeah..i stlll laugh like a baby with Tom & Jerry, and you've pretty much covered all that we've grown up on me these cartoons are pretty stress relieving !!! Mighty laughs

ritzkini said...'s time we grew up..'s time for another cartoon movie !!!!!

qsg said...

Disappointed that you left my biggest favorite ever - Shrek (1 and 2) out! These two, along with Finding Nemo have the best repeat value - you discover a new layer / innuendo each time you watch it! :)

Just Jane said...

#Rider on the storm,
Welcome to Shades, Hues and Tints :-) Yes, these toons are super stress busters!

#ritzkini, just grow up, da. Give it a shot, just try it once atleast. It won't hurt, promise :-)

#qs.gemini, welcome back! :-) good to see you here. But....*hangs head in shame*...the reason Shrek has been left out (relieved no one else noticed) is 'coz...*gulp* hasn't seen 'em yet. I know! ok you can throw them tamatars now :-( just one plea though...make sure they're ripe :-)

Anonymous said...

chosen one, san! to be here, glad i am! a good thing going, you have here. obi-wan kenobe, my man is. love i do, the schizo calvin kid!

Just Jane said...

#Welcome, welcome to my teahouse, Fao San :-) Do visit again with your charming poetic wit!

qsg said...

the chosen one: I am disappointed...please to use this weekend wisely and to see my buddy Shrek - 1 and 2. Or else, I will have no choice but to boycott your blog... :-p

Just Jane said...

#qs.gemini, ab toh movies rent karne hi padenge! Who would've thought that a fellow procrastinator would be the one to kick my procrastinating butt into action! :O

qsg said...

I try to limit procrastination to low entertainment value activities! Yes, I discriminate! :)

Just Jane said...

I see you are a procrastinator of discerning taste!

Anonymous said...
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