Friday, May 05, 2006


She paints her face to hide her face.

She talks non-stop to quieten her thoughts.

She drives her car to drive her thoughts.

She thinks it through to let it sink in through.

She writes it down to free her mind.

She sings aloud to drown out the silence.

She runs a mile to dash her dreams.

She dances all night to sit this one out.


qsg said...

Very good post! Loved it.

Please to not be talking about me on your blog! ;-)
I don't care if you are talking about you but if it bears any resemblance to me, you are hereby required to not publish! :))

Anonymous said...

nice one!

R said...

These lines can very well be a SONG! No kidding! Nice!

#Fab Four..! WOW! There are so many songs I can just keep listening! Hey Jude being one of them. My bhajan. :D And there are SO many. Can't mention them all here, can I? Wait. I can. But, I'm lazy :P
Beatles rock, rock, ROCK. :D
And hey, HIGH FIVE!

the_ego_has_landed said...

wow...really nice.

"She drives her car to drive her thoughts."

liked this one alot:)

Just Jane said...

Hi5 soul sis! :-)

why, thank you :-)

The idea about the lines being a song is very cool! Would you care to strum your guitar to it? :-) And yeah, who'd have thought the Beatles' chants would become the bhajans of millions of Indians :-)

#the ego,
Welcome to my space and thank you very much :-)

Kusum Rohra said...

Oye TCO this sounds so much like me too :) Excepting the paint bit :P

Just Jane said...

#Oye Kusum,
Yeh kya nickname dilaya yaar tune...PCO se rhyme hota hai yaar...ab mujhe STD Bhooth :P mat bana :P Aur kabhi kabaar thoda make up lagaana buri baat nahin hai kudiye! :-)

Thanu said...

//She sings aloud to drown out the silence.
That is so beautiful.

I'm likethat I just talk b/c I hate silence

Karthikeyan (KK) said...

"She runs a mile to dash her dreams"??? Running is FUN! Its a DREAM!!! Can't agree with you on this.

But a good one nevertheless!

Just Jane said...

Thanks! The silence can be a good thing too, sometimes :-)

Why...hello there! Save your breath (literally) Mr Marathon :P but hey, congrats on your weekend rush! Awesome it is! :-)

The Girl Who Sold The World said...

She drives her car to drive her thoughts.
Geez, this line was like a piece of art! I LOVED this whole thing. :D Why don't you make a melody too and sing this out loud, record it and then, put it here? :D

Just Jane said...

Whoa...thanks pal :-) There used to be this dessert hangout called 'Painted Platters-Art You Can Eat'...needless to add..yummy sinful lipsmacking stuff..anyway, I digress. I'll get all corny here and say in response to your comment...'It's Art You Can Heart!' :-P As for recording and putting it here, donkeys aren't extinct yet, are they??

R said...

My guitar? Ahem. Only if I knew. Sheesh . :(((((

Just Jane said...

No matter, dude! We'll just sing along loudly when the Beatles Bhajans play on :-)

Kusum Rohra said...

Yeah yeah i agreem kabhi kabhi thora make up lagana is ok :)

TCO-PCO hahah good haan :P

Just Jane said...

Your latest post rhymes with your name yaar...DUSHOOM! :-)

Abhinav Vinayakh Shankar said...

Hey Chosen one,
Nice one there! enjoyed it.

Just Jane said...

Hi, thank you, and welcome to Shades,Hues and Tints :-)

Abhinav Vinayakh Shankar said...

Chosen one,
write a bit of poetry myself.. check it out !


Just Jane said...

That is way cool! Will definitely check out your poetry blog, thanks for the link :-)

Phoenix said...

very very nice!

Just Jane said...

Glad you liked it! :-)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

me likey this too!
the last line did it for me
"she dances all night to sit this one out"

very nice.

Just Jane said...

Thanks, girl :-). Would've thought the line 'she drivers her car to drive her thoughts' might have struck a point home with you, considering your travails with Candy and now Basanti :P :D

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