A very Happy Diwali to everyone.
May the light of wisdom, purity, innocence, beauty and love light up each of our homes and lives :-)
Common sense reminders that I need to practise:
1. Stop thinking too much!! Especially on trivial matters such as blog identity! How does it matter as long as the point is to b-l-o-g?? Why does the location/presentation et al have to play as important a role than the writing itself?
2. Need to F-O-C-U-S on priorities here. Else, it will only work like the wave of a magician’s wand ending in hocus-pocus!
3. Stop being so paranoid! Have been feeling like a hound(ed) dog lately. If only it was Elvis the Pelvis doing the hounding ;)
4. I thought a plain and simple name would be common, but I made the mistake of adding a clever twist. It turned out to be unique and got me right back in the spotlight again x-(
5. Take multiple opinions, you never know which one helps lead you to the light at the end of the dark tunnel. Brings clarity and objectivity.
6. Learn to simplify. This is one reminder/new year resolution I have been making and breaking with amazing consistency. It boggles the mind how I can take a seemingly simple issue and complicate it till kingdom come.
7. You can run, but you can't hide! The more I keep changing my tracks, the more the scent of the trail continues to chase and discover me!
8. Learn to let go. I'm all tied up in knots. Can't cut loose from strings of any sort...
I need help! Is there a "blogiatrist" around with a comfy cyber couch I can take a much needed rest on? :D