Saturday, October 21, 2006
Shubh Diwali !
A very Happy Diwali to everyone.
May the light of wisdom, purity, innocence, beauty and love light up each of our homes and lives :-)
Monday, October 16, 2006
Wishing Well
After the first 5 points, which included a digicam and a nice watch (currently eyeing a Tag Heuer), the list began resembling a 'to do' list. Points like 'a clutter-free room' and 'read all the books I've bought/borrowed before joining a lending library' etc., began appearing mysteriously on the list.
What's a girl to do when her dream 'wish list' begins to sound more like a practical daily 'to do' list?!
That sure brought me down to earth with a thud!
At this rate, my 'prince charming' will also turn out to be a 'prince yawning'...!!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Notes to Myself
Common sense reminders that I need to practise:
1. Stop thinking too much!! Especially on trivial matters such as blog identity! How does it matter as long as the point is to b-l-o-g?? Why does the location/presentation et al have to play as important a role than the writing itself?
2. Need to F-O-C-U-S on priorities here. Else, it will only work like the wave of a magician’s wand ending in hocus-pocus!
3. Stop being so paranoid! Have been feeling like a hound(ed) dog lately. If only it was Elvis the Pelvis doing the hounding ;)
4. I thought a plain and simple name would be common, but I made the mistake of adding a clever twist. It turned out to be unique and got me right back in the spotlight again x-(
5. Take multiple opinions, you never know which one helps lead you to the light at the end of the dark tunnel. Brings clarity and objectivity.
6. Learn to simplify. This is one reminder/new year resolution I have been making and breaking with amazing consistency. It boggles the mind how I can take a seemingly simple issue and complicate it till kingdom come.
7. You can run, but you can't hide! The more I keep changing my tracks, the more the scent of the trail continues to chase and discover me!
8. Learn to let go. I'm all tied up in knots. Can't cut loose from strings of any sort...
I need help! Is there a "blogiatrist" around with a comfy cyber couch I can take a much needed rest on? :D
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Saturday Disasters
There I am at work, sleepy as hell on a saturday afternoon, and bemoaning my fate, when a chat window pops up on my pc screen. The convo:
Colleague on 5th Floor: Good news
Janefield: what what???
Colleague on 5th Floor: but what do i get?
Janefield: hmm...its a not much up for grabs :D
Colleague on 5th Floor: alright...then i will talk to somebody who might be interested :-)
Janefield: wait wait...sigh...what do you want? (resigned tone)...*anything to perk up a saturday at work *
Colleague on 5th Floor: Hee big rasgulla would be just fine!
Janefield: oh, is that all? Done!
Colleague on 5th Floor: yup, thats all i desire! great! now here is the good news...u dont have ur phone with you :-)))
Janefield: O SHIT (only now enlightenment phone on desk...)
Colleague on 5th Floor: hee hee...i know where it is
Janefield: O GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWD...! whr is it? whr is it??
Colleague on 5th Floor: for that another rasgulla ;-)
Janefield: o man...i can't believe this...i am priceless!
Colleague on 5th Floor: hee hee...its with K on the 4th floor
Janefield: what?? i'm on the 7th did it get there? how was it traced to me?? *praises the Lord and tries not to ask too many q's*
Colleague on 5th Floor: no clue...but she got the phone and as always my name was on the top of the list :D she called and i said hi jane! that's when she understood it was yours.
Janefield: i don't understand...why did she call you?? wait...let me call you now on your extension...!
To cut a long story short, the person who had found my phone (had left it in the bathroom!!) called the first recognizable (within office) name on my contact list. Phew...! I hadn't even missed my phone, did not even realize it was misplaced! Heights of saturday sloppiness! My precious new phone, that too, how could I been so careless!
Well, since this happened, I have misplaced the phone 2 more times, each time on a Saturday!! And have been lucky enough to have gotten it back as well, each time. The phone has probably spent more time in other people's hands than in mine! Now, I owe rossagullas, cakes, and god knows what next if I keep this up.... :-(
What do I need to keep on a tight leash? My phone or my scatterbrained mind?!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
This evening I'm minding my own business going for an evening walk with my music in not-my-ipod (:P) and enjoying myself, when this neighbor uncle stops me with a grin and a how-are-you.
Ok, so far so good. He enquires with concern about my foot (had a fracture a few months ago). He went on to tell me that someone in his family had to go through the exact same thing I did wherein surgery had to be done and a wire had to be inserted into the poor lady's foot.
Then he goes on and on about how he has spent the past week or two in and out of hospitals.
His wife's relative who is 66-plus slipped and fell in the bathroom. Her thigh was fractured and she had to have a knee operation. Then he said, "She cannot sit for the rest of her life."
Meanwhile, I was interspersing my comments with all these polite noises during the conversation and politely asked, "You mean she cannot sit down on the floor, right? She can sit down on a chair and such?" To which he replied, "Oh, of course, but she cannot sit down for the rest of her life, you know! So sad...but she can sit on the commode etc." (Excuse me Unkalji, I wanted to say, that's wayy TMI!)
Next, he narrates another incident of his hospital adventures of a man who had to undergo a prostate operation!!
But WHY was he telling me this??
Yeh uncle log bhi na...uff !
It was so funny that I couldn't even patli gali se nikal jaoonfy :D
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Life is a Highway
(The title is another of my fave songs)
Finally watched the movie 'Cars' today. It was so cute! :D
I regress back to being a kid while watching animation flicks. In this one, the cars have personalities just like humans. The 'hero' is arrogant and the 'heroine' he falls for is sensible and sweet. There's his stupid best buddy with a bucktooth (on a car!), the serious old wiseman, the cheerful Italians (!), the annoying loudmouth opponent, the peace-lovin' (literally!) hippie van, the works! You actually feel for the characters (cars!) as if they were real living beings :))
Loved the voices, especially good lookin' Flo's of Flo's diner! Very obviously, an African American woman's voice and fun personality! The girly cars had eyeliner to denote eyelashes :)) And the bugs/insects in the movie were tiny cars with wings! (ok, now I sound demented :))
Love the way most animation movies teach such basic important human values of kindness, compassion, and friendship (and remind us of these once we are older and cynical) in such a refreshing, imaginative, and seemingly simple manner. They make you smile, laugh out loud, feel sad with a lump in your throat, make you go awwwwww, not to mention make you feel silly doing all that while watching cartoon cars! And the idea of two cars romancing each other by going for a drive together! Hahaha! So cute :))
Agree with Rediff's review though...Sally, the girlfriend car, should've been a Mustang, not a Porsche!
My new crush: Lightning McQueen's boyish li'l smile! :) Can't believe I have a crush on a car! Hahahahaha, tells you how bad I need a holiday from work, make that life! This movie provided just that for 2 hours :D
Thank you Walt Disney! Animation RULES...!