Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Life is a Highway

....I will ride it all night long!
(The title is another of my fave songs)

Finally watched the movie 'Cars' today. It was so cute! :D

I regress back to being a kid while watching animation flicks. In this one, the cars have personalities just like humans. The 'hero' is arrogant and the 'heroine' he falls for is sensible and sweet. There's his stupid best buddy with a bucktooth (on a car!), the serious old wiseman, the cheerful Italians (!), the annoying loudmouth opponent, the peace-lovin' (literally!) hippie van, the works! You actually feel for the characters (cars!) as if they were real living beings :))

Loved the voices, especially good lookin' Flo's of Flo's diner! Very obviously, an African American woman's voice and fun personality! The girly cars had eyeliner to denote eyelashes :)) And the bugs/insects in the movie were tiny cars with wings! (ok, now I sound demented :))

Love the way most animation movies teach such basic important human values of kindness, compassion, and friendship (and remind us of these once we are older and cynical) in such a refreshing, imaginative, and seemingly simple manner. They make you smile, laugh out loud, feel sad with a lump in your throat, make you go awwwwww, not to mention make you feel silly doing all that while watching cartoon cars! And the idea of two cars romancing each other by going for a drive together! Hahaha! So cute :))

Agree with Rediff's review though...Sally, the girlfriend car, should've been a Mustang, not a Porsche!

My new crush: Lightning McQueen's boyish li'l smile! :) Can't believe I have a crush on a car! Hahahahaha, tells you how bad I need a holiday from work, make that life! This movie provided just that for 2 hours :D

Thank you Walt Disney! Animation RULES...!


Anonymous said...

I take the GOLD,
Dhakki tikki dhakki tikki :D

Now lemme read the post, the pic's cute btw :D

Take care,

Anonymous said...

hehehe, that was chooo chweet Jane :)

Heard a lot about the movie, dekhni padegi. Dekh kar apne amulya comments doongi.. Tabhi tak ke liye, alvida :P

Okay, I know I've lost it this morning!!!

Take care,

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

cho chweet. will go see cars now on your reco.

have u seen the old classics- chitty chitty bang bang and herby goes bananas? :-)

Nirwa Mehta said...

Awww!! I'm off movies for a month! :P Want to see snakes on a plane badly! :P

You must check it out.. It will provide you 2 more hours of entertainment! :D

ps - wat happened to tgfi's pic?? :O

qsg said...

I liked cars - not as much as nemo and shrek - but it was cute and funny... :)

Shouts of Nothingness said...

Thanks, and do watch it :-)

Have seen the Herbie series, but not the classic! :-( Need to get hold of the cd somehow!

Yikesssssssss! :P You and your crazy taste in crazy movies!! :P TGFI's pic...she's a rantin' :D

I agree! :-)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

E nirwa. my pic is betta than yours. hmph.

Unknown said...

yup. nice one...
BTW.. watched.. "Garfield" yesterday!

R said...

...Life's a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
You're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long!

~Tom Cochrane rocks.

Haven't seen the movie as yet :|

Shouts of Nothingness said...

Do you mean Garfield 2?

Yes, that song is awesome :-)

Unknown said...

dunno 1 or 2...
the one in which it saves a cute dumb lil doggy...

Abhishek said...

just been reading some of your older posts. Couldnt help but comment on this one.
One advise...try not to refer to ethnicity with colour.
Mator is actually depicted as a very very southern dude. It is the voice of Larry the Cable Guy, a comedian that I am a big fan of.
I think the Porsche does excellent justice to Sally...especially with the pin-striping tattoo. Mustang is actually considered manly.

Just Jane said...

Have made the change on your suggestion.

Who is Mator btw? I've forgotten...the owner of the garage? No..that was Luigi,right?

And I was referring to the classic song 'Mustang Sally' by The Commitments.