Friday, January 18, 2008

A First

There's always a first time for everything, they say.

I can't remember the last time i cried. I actually cannot remember this at all. And no, its not like I've blocked out some traumatic memory. For me, who could 'turn on the tap at the slightest instant', this is a first! :)

Another relevant and recent event is knowing which friends genuinely care about me. Some of them are long standing friends, some more recent, and some that helped were ones I didn't expect it from at all. Some plain speaking was needed and the very direct tone and words were what I needed to hear. Yes, better sense is prevailing. I don't know if they are now past caring, but I'm thankful. Immensely so. What immediate family and my own self-deprecating humor couldn't do (kick my butt), good friends did. After all, what are friends for? :-)

I meant I'm thankful they spoke up (and how). Not thankful if they are now past caring! Hope that is not the case. I know that if I do what I need to do it would make them relieved and happy, so that's the road I'm taking this year. Not for them or anyone else, but for myself. I was getting there, but I tend to fall off the wagon every now and then. So I'm blessed to have such blunt friends.

Thank you guys (P, L, and N in particular - U, A, and U as well) :-)


The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

aww. you're welcome.

i claim all letters since they appear in my name somewhere or other

but i am not blunt! grrr.

Anonymous said...

Hawww! I dun get no credit?? :O

Anonymous said...

@TGFI dont lie!!

@Jane since u wrote'U' twice I am doubly happy :D

But yeah its good to have such friends around. Now only if I knew how to treasure such ppl.....

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

elbows her way in and pushes neihal out of the commentbox

ferret said...

i claim the A!!

ferret said...

and oh u r welcome :)

Anonymous said...

You can try! But when u did not succeed at your won blog....I doubt you ll EVER manage to do that here
muhahahahaha!!! :D

Now Jane I know too few alphabets...too many contenders but its all right..we know what they stand for. So come out :P

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

lol @ neihal


/changing my name to nupaul

Anonymous said...

i claim the N, janie. muaaahs! i know i'm nice and all but really, a POST for me...awwwwwwww. :D

Sayesha said...

Tere haath jodti hoon, update kar! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeasee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just Jane said...

Hullo chillun...glad to see some are still playing in this playground :)

This space needs a decent burial, me thinks, so no plans to update :)

Priyanka said...

Its such a lovely blog, hope you do update! :)

Anonymous said...

Aapko karna hai invite,
But your email is not in sight,
We would like you to commit the same crimes,
As us in the world of rhymes!!

All this and more at a new blog...
Where fear will not cause any fog...
Please do send me your email,
So that the world of rhymes prevail!!

Just Jane said...

Hey Priyanka,
Thanks! I love highheelconfidential! :)

Dreamer you fool!
I emailed you some 15 hrs ago, but you haven't replied!!! It was my idea, and you've started a blog already?? Discussion first pls?

Anonymous said...

Do I get to claim the P? :D

Ron Lemon said...

what's going on?? lots of thanking nd stuff... did you just win the oscar? :p

Just Jane said...

#Ms Taggart,

I've myself forgotten who the people I thanked are!! :P

Who cares about the Oscars? I'd thank people if i could get my hands on the gowns and diamonds found on the red carpet though! :P

Anonymous said...

Woman.. atleast do a decent burial!!!

Anonymous said...

It sounds so good to have so many friends around us, who care for us.. Lucky...

Anonymous said...

Remember Jane, there are friends who care for you immensely, think about you every single day and pray for you and your family. Some friends are just there. Where? There! wait...its there, forget it.