Sunday, October 11, 2009

Goonj-te Rahe Jaoge! - Day 6

2nd October, Day 6

Unfortunately, the 1st thing I see in my mailbox on the morning of Day 6 is that the Inkfruit transaction did not go through (online payment woes abound!!) and my plan has flopped yet again :-( I am going to try again and hope it works this time.

Goonj is an organization I have been reading about since over a year now. I have even talked to their representative in my city but have not met them yet although I would like to volunteer with them. My commitment and resolve to be a part of their wonderful endeavors has strengthened during the JGW, and this time I have actually acted upon my thoughts towards Goonj.

I am in the process of collecting old clothes for them to be given away. I am very careful with my clothes and even the old ones still look fairly new. People don't believe me when they compliment something I'm wearing and come to know that its at least 5 or more years old (not always :P). Anyway, so I have put together quite a few salwar sets that can be used directly. apart from an assortment of tops and pants/skirts. I have also added a few new clothes that I had bought but never worn for want of wrong sizes, into the same collection bag. Since Goonj also welcomes torn material and rag cloth to be made into stuffing for blankets, cloth strips to be used as sanitary napkins by village women who cannot afford to buy branded pads, I have put together another bag of clothes for the same. They prefer to receive separately labeled bags for ease of distribution. Apart from clothes, I have also collected some handbags, purses, newspapers, and magazines for them to sell as per their wishlist on their website. I also plan to give away utensils that are lying in a huge trunk in an attic. We have just been storing them and have not been using them in a while. I have taken care to only collect items that would hopefully be useful to Goonj as per their wishlist and instructions on their website. I have great respect for the man who started this organization - Anshu Gupta, a working professional from the corporate sector who quit his job for the sake of social and community welfare and development. His initiatives at Goonj are pathbreaking and revolutionary and full of innovative do-able ideas and programs.

On another note, I've been thinking about how money is the easiest way to help anybody with. Everyone needs it and all can use it. Giving it away might be easy for some and hard for some. In today's age, I can sit at my PC and make a donation online without even having to visit a center for the needy. Ironically, my money donation plans to GiveIndia, Inkfruit, and the animal welfare organisations that I regularly donate to, did not work this week. It only reminds me that money is not the primary thing that can help someone or bring a smile to their faces. Its the gift of time and love and the thought behind it that is far more precious. These are memories people will cherish and never forget. Certainly in my life's experience it has been true so far.

I began writing these updates for the JGW sites only on Gandhi Jayanthi (October 2nd) although I began my 7D7G journey on 27th Sept, the start of JGW. Bapu, the Father of our Nation taught us so much about selflessness. He laid down his life for the welfare of India and its citizens. Ironically, today he is revered more in the West than by his own fellow Indians. But the message can never be forgotten. Thank you Mahatma Gandhi for showing us the way.

I intend to follow and practice the 7 Day 7 Gifts challenge every 3 months for now, and will eventually make it a monthly habit. On coming across these sites I was greatly excited and enthusiastic and although initially it felt like a monumental task to plan for 7 gifts on 7 consecutive days and execute the same, I found I was brimming with ideas and planned my JGW meticulously. Unfortunately, due to various constraints, I have not been able to implement half of my plans! :-( Hence, I would like to make this a regular habit. If Rahul Nainwal (the guy started the websites 21 Days 21 Gifts and 7 Days 7 Gifts) and friends could do it for 21 days and start this fantastic movement, it can only serve to inspire me and hopefully many others as well.


V said...

You are amazing. I've never said such nice things to anybody.

Aside, we have something called the Salvation Army which accepts old clothes. It's a great concept but I didn't want anyone to go through torture wearing my clothes. So, after a wild night of drinking, while I was still hungover, I bought a few new pairs of clothes and donated them.

Yes, I'm an idiot. Only sometimes.

Just Jane said...

Heheheh!! You are a lovable one though :P All talk plus all action. (Errrmm, please to take that in the way I meant it only, thank you very much.)

And also, all heart! :D

V said...

I know exactly what you meant. I'm glad you have a dirty mind as well.

KD. K Bodhi said...

Sorry to interrupt the love fest. Get a room, guys!

P.S. Jane don't be offended.

P.P.S. V. I really hope you are offended :D

Just Jane said...

@V, unfortunately in college days, 'perv' was my middle name.

@Bodhi, PDA bothers you? :P

V said...

Jane, 'perv' is still my middle name.

Bodhi, thanks for the suggestion.

Jane, I was thinking more on the lines of a penthouse suite. How do you like that idea?

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

came here to comment on how awesome this idea is that you blogged about but utterly disgusted at convo between this v person and you.

glares and leaves

Pallavi said...

Thats a good idea.. Am going to see what Goonj is all about.

In Bangalore, I do clothes drive and stationery and books drive for orgs such as RK foundation and schools..

It works ..

But let me check.. I think you wrote some creative ideas here.. Will post it in my Facebook so that others also get to know about it.. :)

Just Jane said...

@V, penthouse idea is very nice indeed. hope it overlooks the sea as well.

@TGFI, kuch jalne ki boo aa rahi hai :P

@Pallavi, welcome here :) Great idea about sharing on FB, keep it going forward :)

V said...

Jane, you are just perfect, aren't you? Facing the ocean is icing on the cake.

For other women who are interested, a penthouse is rather big, so you are always welcome.

*pops some Champagne*

Just Jane said...

@V, what makes you think I'm agreeable to allowing other women into my penthouse suite? Hello? I don't remember signing up for an orgy. And what a perfect gentleman you are to seek my permission for the same.

You just blew it, pal. I hope the champagne cork went up your nostrils.

v said...

Hahahahaha! I was half-expecting this response. Now, I'm even more interested in you. You can run but you can't hide.

Just Jane said...

Catch me if you can! That's for Leonardo DiCaprio though, not for you.

Anonymous said...


Now I know why TGFI glared and left and vowed to never come back.

Seriously.. please go to your penthouse, guys!!