Where there is fear, there is courage
Where there is despair, there is hope
Where there is pain and sadness, there is gratitude and fortitude
Where there is cruelty, there is love and mercy
Where there is chaos, therein lies calm
Where there is restlessness, there is patience
Where there are survivors, there are warriors.
Penned this down a couple of years ago after watching the annivesary coverage of 26/11. Some soul-stirring and hair-rising programs on tv channels like Fox, Nat Geo et al., where survivors and families of those affected by the events were interviewed. Found this in drafts and now I find it is relevant at any phase in life.
Life is all about contradiction, in fact it seems to revel in it. Our personalities are that way too. At least speaking for myself, I've always been confounded by my own sense of extremes. With age, one learns to accept these with love rather than confusion and dilemma, and eventually embrace one's own sense of self. From pieces to peace...life's quite a ride :-)
same template too :D :D :D
The last few lines are so true. True for most people I guess.And they are so well written.
I remember questioning myself about my extremes, wondering if they were based on convenience or circumstances. But soon I realised they were within me and as influential the external factors are my own reaction will differ every time.
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