Sunday, July 16, 2006

Ladka Hua Ya Ladki??

Meet Ipu--one of the third generation of kids in the family, a.k.a. Gen Next.

Androgynous already?

Kids start off early at everything in life these days!

And what do we have here?

What a cute li'l thing, wearing a dhoti and hair clips...

The costume was my gift, guess I confused the poor soul and its mother, hahaha! :D


qsg said...

ha ha ha ha adorable.
If however, he was in the US, his parents and everyone around him would have been totally mortified at the thought of him being in anything but blue - and God forbid if he were to wear anything even remotely associated with being a girl! N-uh!
Great pic - absolutely cute... great outfit choice too! :)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

cho chweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
:) who is Ipu? i want to pick him up and give him a chocolate and a hug. i love those colours, i love that outfit. i miss india!!!

The Inquisitive Akka said...

Its quite common to dress up little boys like girls isn't it
(at least in the last generation)? I have seen so many baby pics of my male cousins dressed in skirts! :) Its nice, why make them feel soooo conscious of their gender when they are so small! :)very shweet pic!

Anonymous said...


Chooooooooooooo chweeeeeeet Jane!!!
Lovely dress.. looking soooooo cute >:D<

Nice choice dear :)

Take care,

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

shooooooo shwwwweeeeeeeet!
awwwwwww look at those innocent eye!!! give him hajjaar kisses from my side :D

The Girl Who Sold The World said...

Hair clips with dhoti? Hahahahaha, he's looking so good!!! :D :D :D
And orange dhoti? ORANGE dhoti? Hahahahahahaha. Gosh, they come in all colours these days, don't they? :P
Who's he, by the way? Your nephew? :)

Ekta said...

That was soooo cutteee!
Adorable...hugzzz !

Unknown said...

wow.. that pink thing is so so sweet...
I jus wan one er.. ok.. two of those for myself...

*Scratchin my head and wondering... besides I am still one of those!...*

Harish said...

Get the kid some dolls and toys and allow it to play freely yaar. Clothes ko maaro goli :-)

Born a Libran said...

Looks really cute... I hope the experiments with his costumes end here though... In this day and age, I wouldnt dare cross dressing my nephews n neices...

Just Jane said...

Hahahha!! Sab commenter log ban gaye ghonchu :P

Woh ladka nahin, ladki hai, my li'l niece, Ipshita. LOL....

Could not access blogspot since the past 3 days! Came through this link just now, will reply to comments individually thodi der baad...rukaavat ke liye khed hai...

:D :D :D

Virdi said...

hehehehe... he looks cool...

Just Jane said...

I'm back! Now shall reply in order...:D

Yes, utterly adorable SHE is :P and this is India, yahaan sab chalta hai! :-)

Ipu a.k.a. Ipshita is my cousin's DAUGHTER :-) This is actually an old pic, she is atleast 3 years older now. I got the outfit at a Rajasthani emporium, and fell for it. Rajasthani men wear it during festivals and dances, it's their traditional costume. The li'l dress was so darn cute, I had to pick it up, never mind that Ipu is a girl, bwahahahahaha!

#Inquisitive Akka (love that moniker!)
Welcome here...Agreed the pic is cute and that earlier generations never cared about putting boys in 'frocks' and what not, I find it hilarious though, and would never put my kid through this torture, hahaha!!

Thank you dear :-)

Arre, if I kiss Ipu now, she will gimme vun tiiiiite slap, MTV ishtyle!! She doesn't much like cuddling at all!

Yeah, man, isn't it hilarious?! LOL! And yes orange dhoti, Rajasthan and Gujarat are our most colorful states na! That's my niece :-)

Hi, and welcome to my space :-)

Abbe, khud ko compliment de raha hai! Hai...yeh ladke log...! :-)

I can't see the pics if I come thru Mr. P.K.'s blogs, they're all blanked out :'(

Hahahaha! I think kids roaming nanga panga is worse than being cross-dressed, yaar! But, yeah, I think poor Ipu was slightly traumatised by the whole Rajasthani experience. If I'd given her two dandiyas, she might've chased after me with them, LOL!

#Born a Libran,
Hello there! Welcome and I agree with you :-))

Abbe, it is a SHE...dhakkan! :P

Unknown said...

neo... dont' use teh pkblog thing... this one is more effective...

check out

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

its all QSG's fault. I just followed her trend. waise mereko pata tha.
ipu is a cutie!!

Just Jane said...

Machaan, that link leads to your page!! Nice try :P

Pakdi gayi na...ullu ban gayi na...hehehe :-)

Yeah, Ipu is a cutie. But since she doesn't see me that often, she doesn't come to me much :(

Sayesha said...

Hahahahahahahaahaha! :D

Unknown said...

arrey.. @ teh top left hand corner.. u can type ang blogs' address an dgo view em...

Check teh top right hand corner.. and u can see all teh Pics also I guess...

Just Jane said...


Now I can see everything!!!! :D