Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Putting My Foot In It

1) Into the shoe: For a shoeaholic like me, it's a sad state of affairs indeed. Having fractured my left toe a little over a month ago, it was like being cavewoman. I hardly stepped outta my cave...err...home for days on end and was barefeet for a whole month. Didn't step out even to catch the sunlight. Today someone tells me that sunlight is good for bone strengthening and especially for fractures. Better late than never info, I guess. So anyway, there I was, foot swathed in bandages and cotton and what not for all this time, and now finally, I can walk...I mean...limp free. ain't the Neanderthal age, and realized I needed to cover up my feet. None of the couple of dozen odd pairs of shoes I own fit now thanks to a swollen foot. One swollen foot that is. The other foot is fit and fine. What a dilemma! Tried Dr.Scholl's footwear, other brands, and popular stores, but nothing seems right. Everything fits on my right foot quite comfortably, but nothing fits on the left foot. Have heard of hair and nails growing longer and paunches getting larger in a month, but a whole foot?! A shoe of size 6/7/8 (varies depending on the brand) decently fits on my right foot, but only about 2 sizes bigger than that fits on the left foot. *slaps forehead*

Finally, found a pair today (size 9!) that is really comfy 'coz it has a slight arch, all other soles were flat. Its not a micro-cellular-rubber (MCR) pair according to the store owner, but an MCP one. Of all the shoes in the city, the MCP one fits! The P in this acronym stands for 'polymer'. What were you thinking? :P Anyway, the store owner, after hearing the sordid tale of my accident and feeling all queasy about it, proceeded to force his choice of shoes on me, and lecture me worse than my doctor or my folks ever did! Uff! To top it all, he avoided all my queries on the prices of the shoes. Eventually, when my patience showed signs of running thin as well as the smile on my face, mom whispered that he was hard of hearing! Finally chose a pair that had nothing to do with supporting the fractured toe, but was comfy in all other aspects! Why can't they make pretty medically supported footwear? Why do looks have to take a backseat when it comes to comfort? Why can't shoe designers spend their time designing pretty orthopedic shoes? The prices are high anyway! Arrrrrgh! And the store fella acts like my grandmother! Had a good mind to stomp and yell, "my foot!" at all his droning.

2) Into my mouth: After the very 'happening' evening (see above), I watched TV, had dinner, and got online. Found a friend online whose leg I thoroughly enjoy pulling and began the old routine. This pal is always game for a few laughs and bravely ventures teasing me back, also as per routine. Only today, she was in 'durga mata' avatar. I had no idea she was down in the dumps/fuming away (she was alternating between the two emotions like a pendulum) on the other side of the intangible net. Online chats are so misleading. You never really know what the other person is actually thinking, feeling, and even saying. Although I could sense she wasn't in the best of moods, it didn't deter me from ribbing her a bit. Next thing I know, another friend calls and gives me an earful. Got fired left, right, and center today. The friend who had called was discussed in the online convo and Durga Mata messaged the Furious One. A silly incident blew the whole thing outta proportion and my li'l prank backfired bigtime. Total miscommunication gap! Is it Amavasya or something? Jeeeez! According to me, both overreacted and jumped the gun and to conclusions, which they otherwise wouldn't have. Now they are hurt and upset! Apologized to both to soothe frazzled nerves, but still feeling lousy.

End of the day, not only am I nursing a big foot, but also a big mouth.


qsg said...

Hey hey hey - cheer up. It's another day tomorrow, and all will be well!

Life is good! :) Italy won! :))

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...


awwww. man, the foot story sounds terrible. i do hope that gets better soon.

foot in mouth is chronic tho. am telling you from experience. ;)

and look at q.s.g. bohat fudak rahi hai.

Unknown said...

oh... one foot no.8 n other no.9? wow.. Reminds me of "Sara shehar hamein Lion ke naam se pehchantha hain"
Well if u r Lion... where's Mona darling? She escaped with all the sona?

jus wonderin... is foot in mout betta than... big feet & big mouth *Scratching my head making some weird sorta face...*

Anonymous said...


Koi gal nahi Jane.. hota hai :|
Your shoe story was painful yaar but *due apologies* your big mouth story somehow made me laugh a little :P

Not my fault, not my fault..
The way you wrote made the difference :P:P:P

Hope all gets fine again soon, your foot heals & the hurt left by your prank too!!! Chill, sab theek ho jaayega :)

Take care,

PS: I just came to ur blog randomly, was sure I'd have to press the small 'x' button immediately but your post was a nice surprise dear :)

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

too much yaar!!
abee ur foot is hurt na, so u spoke like tht... matlab ke foot is hurt so u didnt put ur foot in ur mouth b4 speaking; and said whtever u wanted without thinking! :P

and kno wot, good u bought MCP... uski jagah pairon mein hi hoti hai *gives a one sided lalita pawar smile*

Just Jane said...

Viva l'italia! :D

Yeah man, QSG has turned into a cheerleader, ahem! Foot is better, thanks :-)

Loved this comment! Told my dad about it and he had a good laff :D

What's that, buddy? You reappear after ages and then spout Ajit jokes...whoa! Wassup? :D

You got the stories and the humor mixed up :P Oh, and 'unpredictable' is my middle name :D Surprised you na when you least expected an update :P

#Lalita Pawar,
Baap re...yeh dayan 70s cinema se wapas kaise aa gayi?? *shudder* Btw, loved your latest post :D

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

daayan??!! *major sad* *major major major sad* :(((((((((((((

Unknown said...

Lagtah hai thume... Liquid Oxygen mein daalna padega...
*/A shoe of size 6/7/8 (varies depending on the brand) decently fits on my right foot, but only about 2 sizes bigger than that fits on the left foot./*

thats why the Ajit joke....
BTW... wheres mona darling???

Now that u know where I have vanished...

Harsha said...

Get well soon!!!

I loved the "Total miscommunication gap!" phrase. It is like the "Mera tho bad luck hi kharab hai!!!"

And chillax, everything gets better with time. Foot and the small problems with friends.

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

abe whr is ur blogroll?? vanished??

Just Jane said...

Are you a Lalita Pawar fan?? :O

The Mona I know is with her darling, so where does that leave you? :P

Hehehehe! Thanks, and you're right :-)

I can see the blogroll, why can't you?

the_ego_has_landed said...

hey...sorry about foot...hope it heals quick...
as for ur frens...they cant stay mad for long:) chill!:)

Unknown said...

thats damn bad news for me... well I thought mona was.. er.. forget it...
*shakes my head in disappointment*
*tch tch tch*
*scratching my head*
I thing I can ask monas' mom for dinner...

Harish said...

terrible day you seem to be having

Arrowhead said...

Ahem...(grinning wide)
So you see? I'm not the only one, dear.


Arrowhead said...

Don't get me started on 'foot in mouth', O Chosen One. Remember the driver incident in the car in college? MUHAHAHAHAHAHA...

P.S. In the previous comment I meant I'm not the only one who gets upset with your humour with a timing problem.

Just Jane said...

#The Ego,
Thanks and welcome back, and pls update your blog!

Dunno what your holiday at home has done to you, buddy :P And that's a whole lotta head scratchin' goin' on! Pls buy 1 botal of Clinic All Clear shampoo :P

Hota hai, hota hai...that's why tried to look at the humorous side of it :-)

#Arrowhead, seem thrilled at my misery! Oh...the timing problem, aa? W-e-l-l..

Hey, why don't you blog about this driver incident? Was it something I said or you said? *scratches head like Kautilya*