Friday, June 23, 2006

Identity Crisis

Main kaun hoon? Main kahaan hoon? Uffo, main abhi tak yahaan hoon!! :P

What's in a name they say? I did a bunch of 'what is your name in this country's language' quizzes on blogland and discovered Japanese, Italian, Spanish, French et al versions of my name. Got bored with that eventually. I continue to use a rather 'German-sounding' version of my name on email.

When I was a kid, each of my aunts had a different goofy 'pet name' for me. It was painful writing them thank you cards for their gifts trying to remember which name to sign off by, based on what they called me. Interestingly enough, whatever they called me, became the name I called them back, with an 'aunty' attached to it at the end! The names are just so ridiculous, but now I can look back at them and poke fun at them and at myself for going along with it.

Sample this: One aunt decided to hum when she addressed me, so I was christened "Gun Gun" and she became "Gun Gun Aunty". Dunno if there was some competition going on like 'Tag this kid with the most embarassing name', but the aforementioned aunt's sister decided that "Mun Mun" it is, henceforth, and of course, she was "Mun Mun Aunty". The squabbling sisters had another sibling who then promptly christened me "Minna". Atleast there was some logic to it as I was a tiny baby, a bit underweight even. (Those familiar with my size now, shall not comment and can just put a sock in it :D). Now, these aunts weren't masters of the game after all. Their mother and my beloved Naaniamma was alive and well then. Un sab ki amma nikli and she passed an order that the new kid on the (execution, in my view) block shall hereby be referred to as "Shammu". When I visited Disneyland, the most popular act was that of "Shammu The Whale". I somehow lived it down, kinda helped by the fact that the whale was cute :) Never mind. Till date, I call my uncle (the brother of all these aunties and Naaniamma's son), Shammumam. I have no clue how that connection was made. My guess is he was the only one who abided by Naani's grand orders and called me "Shammu", and hence he was introduced to me as "Shammumam". Now, can the father of all these wonderful people be left behind in this prem kahani? No sirree. Naaniammi's husband and my dear, sweet, adorable granddad officially named me 'Poornima' since I was born on paurnami ki raat, aka, full moon night. AAAAWWWOOOOOO! Ahem. That was quickly shortened 'affectionately' to "Punimo!" Yes, with an exclamation. 'Coz he used to yell out my name like that in public. This was of course once I was older and could run as far away from this crazy bunch as my two li'l legs could carry me.

Mum and Dad were on their own trip back in those days. Literally. Mom was tripping on being a new mom, all rosy cheeked and glowing, and Dad was on his own trip in Calcutta, post IIM days. They were high on life and love, among other things. Innocent stuff like music, friends, clubs, and parties of course. Ze good life, basically. And food! Boy, oh boy, what a food loving family I'm a part of. Which has no doubt left a telling and lasting impression on my adult life. Anyway, I digress. So Dad got wind of the name given by his dad-in-law and put his well-educated foot down. He was just coming out of a hangover of its own kind after pocketing an MBA and had joined an MNC, only back then, apna desh was still UK dominated and not the US of A based MNCs of today. So he said "Poornima" was a terribly old fashioned name. After spending a lot of time hunting for names, he gave me a typical Bengali name. Kolkata hangover I guess. In between, he had almost finalised on "Suman" and even wrote a letter to his mom about it. I still cherish that letter though it is in tatters. Dad also christened his youngest sister "Asha" and the basis of that was that the day she was born, he had seen a Hindi movie and the pretty heroine's name was "Asha". Ahem. Anyway, Mum and Dad, going by family tradition, bestowed upon me a pet name and that was "Chotu". Ok, you can stop laughing now.

By the time I was three, responding to so many names must have taken its toll. As I grew up and smartened up a wee bit, I developed 'convenient hearing ability'. Whenever someone called me by one of the above crazy names, I would act like I couldn't hear them. In school, of course, it was my 'official' (Bong) name. Can a kid be more tortured, you think?

Once I started using the net, I simply couldn't think up any nicknames for myself. Bland stuff like 'zodiacgal' was my handle on chat only because I was hung up on reading the astrological columns in magazines and Linda Goodman's book about Sunsigns enthralled me as a teenager. Picking a nickname for email accounts, chat handles etc., gave me nightmares. I took hours and even days to think of something, well, a little less ridiculous than the ones I've suffered while growing up.

I had 'name block' like writer's block for a while. Now of course I am a pro at different names and even identities. Played the fool online enough times under god knows how many nicks and personas. When venturing into blogworld, I suffered from 'name block' again. And Kini suggested I stick with A Jane. This one was also thrust upon me by him and Sayesha in some silly name calling game :P Kini got a bit cleverer (for once) and suggested 'Jane Doe'. I listened to him (for once) and it became my url. But for my 'posting' name, I was bored with that and so decided on 'The Chosen One'. *rant alert* After all, wasn't I 'chosen' for all those idiotic names as a kid? *end of rant* Besides that, back in college, my fave phrase when something unfair happened to me was "Why me?" I even had a Charlie Brown poster in my room asking that question. So I would wail and groan "WHY ME?" and my friend would reply, "Because you're the chosen one!" So that became the blog posting nickname. I wondered if it sounded weird, but heck, I've always been that way. Chosen, not weird! Ok, maybe a bit mad sometimes. :D

Most people on blogworld liked it and thought was different from the usual. This guy thought it was an ode to Neo! :) Others thought it was silly, or even sounded pompous. If only they knew!! Dishoom happily shortened my blog nick to TCO, which sounds suspiciously like PCO.

Today, however, someone said it was cheesy. Heck, it was my cheese to move, you know? So now I am The Cheesy One. *cheesy...err...cheeky grin*

With friends, my nicknames have gone the range from Sugar, to Hanuman, to Gabbar Singh.

Sigh...seems as if my tryst with names will carry on into my afterlife avatar as well!


The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

i feel special. like this new post came "on my demand". YAYYYY. :)
you poor girl. what a rough, troubled childhood that was. ;)

lol. good one, t.c.o

how minna became shamoo should be an interesting tale too.

Neihal said...

ok I have to say this....MAZZA AA GAYA....great post!

Harsha said...

Hey, I also thought that this one probably seen the matrix too many times. :)

And those are too many names....not fair... I dont even half as many :(

ok, I dont have many names but I feel like I have a really good one, Harshanand and I try to live up to my name.
Everyone calls me Harsha (and someother names like boddo, bodda etc which is for being fat) and one of my best friends calls me bev. together bevHarsha means a scoundrel ;) and thats my blog name...and thats what my friend had in mind...

And the stupid shakespear said...
"whats there in a name?? " and need I mention that he wrote his name under it?? :D

Sayesha said...

HAHAHAHAHA! Hilarious!

Gun gun... mun mun... can I call you Tun tun??? :D :D

Wanderlust said...

ooooh.. and i know a few more!

Anonymous said...


Was a total fun filled post Jane!!
Was laughing all the way :))

Gun gun, mun mun, punima =))
hehehe.. quite a stressed childhood you had :P

//""Chotu". Ok, you can stop laughing now."
:P I started laffin at that :P:P

Awesome hilarious post ya.. enjoyed it thoroghly!!!

Keep writing,
Take care,

PS: Jane is not your real name?? :O:O
Whats your real name then.. Oh no.. another hidden identity ;):P

Anonymous said...


Btw.. FYI.. kind information..
You've been tagged on the "weird tag" too okay..

So get jottin down the points & publish them soon!

Btw, TGFI & Nav, you'll are tagged on that too by one & only ME :D

Waiting for all your weird posts! :P

Take care,

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

chotu?? u too?? :O

Arrowhead said...

And all this while I thought your blogname was AJANEDO (E added for the twist) as in a loosely translated 'bring it on'. Dhakkan only, I am, no?
Also, you forgot a few other names, Minmin.

Just Jane said...

Imagine how "special" I felt while growing up. Traumatising, it was :D And you just gave me new material for another post! :-)

Thank you dear. Always wanted to ask, what does Neihal mean?

#Harsha/Bev :P,
LOL! Shakespeare has the weirdest name, me thinks :D And doesn't 'boddo' mean 'idiot'? :P

Tun-Tun??? Bas, ab yehi naam baaki reh gaya tha! :D

Is that a threat? Might I remind you, your nicknames far exceed mine in absurdity :D

Hehehehe, thanks yaar :-) Main kya bolu yaar, with so many identities, its a wonder I'm not schizophrenic yet :P

Et tu, brutus!

#Teersar aka Dhakkan,
Omyghutno! :O Bring it on, it seems. Other names not forgotten, just not up for public display, so sssshhhhhh!'re familiar with how good I am at calling you names, aren't ya? ;D

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

tun tun!!!!!!

that was too damn funny. for some reason.


umm aarti, what weird? what tag?
yeh tag wag kya hota hai???????

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

i need to watch some old, tun tun waala movie now.

der Bergwind said...

but after all the nomenclature disharmony.. u remain?? the chosen one!! so i guess u have hit the nail rite.. it was a great read but i din get why all these 'callz of love' (i initially typed wild! no disrespect!!) is making u ask.. main kaun hoon.. after all its u.. a persona, inside that maybe no one knowz or sees differently.. names are just trying to look at someone with affectionz or rather trying to overpower 'em with emotional baggage sumtimes.. but u are who ur.. inside out, u know thyself!!

Unknown said...

ok neo... whats next after Gabbar? Mogambo?

But whats in a name?
hainnn(in Amitab isthye...) namm mein kya rakha hai? Vijay Deenanath Chauan...

Just Jane said...

Imagine Tun-Tun sitting on you :P

#der bergwind,
Thanks for that profound insight, the philmi dialogue was just for kicks :P, and some of those calls were indeed wild!!

Agneepath ka don aa gaya yahaan pe, baap re baap! :D Like the 'hainnnn' a lot :-)

Preethi said...

I can completely understand how a kid with so many nicknames would be feeling.. I myself must've close to 5-6 nicks which those fond relatives of mine still call me! Yeah, in front of my friends also!!!:)

And boy... isnt it tough to come up with a nick for blog!! I just coudlnt do it and for a while posted with my own name, then I thought I wanted some anonymity and so thought of this one for a full day and came up!:)

And thanks for dropping by!:)

Sayesha said...

Just saw this by you Smiling Gal's page:

"Also reminded me of my own kahaniyaan"

Hawwww! How come we never heard the kahaniyaan??? Sunao Jane, sunao! :)

Harsha said...

Nope, Boddo means fatty :)

Just Jane said...

Tell me about it *rolls eyes*. Gabbar Singh 'coz according to this friend who gave me both nicks, I bully her a lot :D and Hanuman 'coz I had nicknamed her Ravana!

#Smiling Girl,
Smile on and waiting for the next series :D

Any need?? Pehle tuntun, ab yeh! Bhai mera peecha chod, hafta le le na! :D

In my lingo, it means what I'd said earlier and I thought we share the same mother tongue? *puzzled*

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

oye!!! we hv same names - "chotu"!!!
but difference hai ki tere gharwale call u chotu, aur mujhe mera gharwala *blussshhhhh* ;)

Harish said... name too went almost similar changes...
Damn...koi kuch bhi bulaaye aur hum ghoom jaate hain :-)

Just Jane said...

Haiiiiii.....oyyyyyyyeeeeeee....check out the blushing bride...AHEM!:D

Itna bhi mat ghoom jana ke MTV ke Ghoom naam ke phillum mein kaam karne lage :-)

Just Jane said...

I fergat to bhelcome you into my zone :-)

Sudipta Chatterjee said...

You write well, lady, very well indeed! This was one nice read.

P.S.- At first when I read your URL, I thought you meant this in Hindi: "Oh, come on, let it go!"
See: "A, jane do!!"

Or even better, "Please let me come" :D

Just kidding! Keep bloggin!

P.S. - Also shared delta-singularity's point and really thought you were *ahem* being Neo :)

qsg said...

That IS a lot of names - but you know something - the number of names can easily be directly proportional to the amount of love people are showering on you! :)

Sangeeta Ananth said...

Hyy, nice post. FYI-I used to)and still do)respond to my pet name better than my surname. Its just stuck!
And thanks for visitng my blog. yes I wokred on all the paintings. Suhasini made it a poitn to mention that she has staged this play only in HYD as she has roots is AP and the place in special.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Jane...

Where is the update??? Kitne busy ho dear??!!!

Take care,

PS: Sash said Kahaniyaan.. ladke dekho experiences I guess?! ahem ahem.. wouldn't you like to share it with us Jane??? :P

Just Jane said...

I swear when I first saw your name I thought you were a girl, t'was only after visiting your blog and viewing your pics that I came to know the truth! :P Welcome here, and thank you very much :) So quite a few people think in Hindi. Nice to know my URL and nick confused some of you :P

You surfaced!! :O And yeah, that is one way of lookin' at it :-)

Welcome and thanks :-) I hope you exhibit your paintings often, they are simply amazing!

#Aarti dear,
Busy, busy and even more busy, yaar :( Will be all free by Thursday, no excuses after that :-)
As for "those" experiences, the rate it is going, I will be singing 'Main kya karoon Ram, mujhe budha mil gaya!!' :-D Sharing would be nice, lekin kahani ka end abhi tak aaya nahin na! So, for now, read Smiling Girl's stories :D

R said...



:O :O :O

ritzkini said...


Anonymous said...


Gone thru similar phase dear.. Some nice, some faaltu experiences!
Gladly.. end of phase for me :D \:D/

Would love to read your experiences haan dear..

Take care,

PS: Aap Bhaarat ke koun se kone se ho dear??

Kusum Rohra said...

:P TCO_PCO is the best you have to agree :P

Preethi said...

I think you should write a post on your experiences which you've mentioned on my space, Jane.. *nods her head*

Btw, I updated my series.. tum aake padhlo, after your busy schedule which is supposed to end by Thursday, right?:)..

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

hi tuntun
watcha' upto these days?

Anonymous said...

Oye madame...

Where's the update?? Thursday aaya aur chala bhi gaya!!!


Take care,

Just Jane said...

Hey guys,
Thanks for the comments :-)
Will update over the weekend...the procrastination monster has taken over me again!

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

oye tun tun
kya style maarti hai? "thanks for the comments, will update over weekend" ??
haan? weekend aaya, aur gaya. aur brazil haar gaya.

Just Jane said...

Wohi toh! Kitna excitment aur tujhe update ki padi hai! Am trying to forget Aarti's tag :P

Anonymous said...

Oye.. Ms. Jane...

What do you think of yourself haan?? In TGFI's words.. (she's absolutely correct).. Apne Mumbai slang mein I'd say.. "shining maarna bandh kar" :P

I won't stop harrassing you till you update your blog & complete the tag too
haehehahahhahaeheheha *chudail ki hassi* (abhi abhi record ki thi :P)

Take care,

Just Jane said...

Sheesh :| Baap re...patli gali se nikal jaati hoon....!!

Anonymous said...

Patli gali se niklo ya highway se.. Hum aapka peecha nahi chodenge :P:P:P

Main bhi dekti hun aap kab tak bhaagte ho :P:P:P

Take care,

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

oye kuch likhegi bhi??!!!!

qsg said...

You are also suffering from the writer's block, like me? I know what to write about, just am not getting to it! :)

Please write, na!

Just Jane said...

#Aarti, Sns, Gemini, and TGFI,
You guys are jhakkas! :-) Yeah, thoda sa writer's block, thoda sa laziness. Everyday I think ke chal today I'll post, and then, well, ahem...err...anyway...germ of idea vanishes into thin air!!

Anonymous said...

Jane.. bacha...
Hold on to that germ of idea..
Its a healthy one.. don't let it go...
Waiting for your laziness to vanish into air & read another post from you...

Take care,

Preethi said...

India mein ho to today aa gaya and chala bhi gaya..
Kuch to bhi to likh do... writer's block apne aap hi chala jayega...:)

Just Jane said...


Your 'chudail ki hassi' was ringing in my ears so loud I had to post :P

#Smiling Girl,
Kuch bhi hi likh diya abhi :P If only all posts were easy as your marathon series ;-)

Anonymous said...


Ise kehte hain..
Laato ke bhoot haathon se nahi maante

Loved your post dear,
Shoo the laziness away & keep writing bacha :)

Take care,

Just Jane said...

Thanks meri amma :P

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site... » » »