Friday, September 08, 2006

Chand Phir Nikla

It is almost a year since I looked up at the moon!

Went up to view the lunar eclipse and was spellbound by the beauty of it all. Although it wasn't the typical full moon that inspires poets or romantics, it was still awesome. The shadows cast on the majestic moon were undaunted by its magnificence.

Had to crane my neck to look up at the moon and it was right above my head each time I moved! For someone who has a perennial neck sprain, this is not funny. The moon was playing tricks on me! Finally found a spot where I could support my back and lean against the wall. It was a sight to behold indeed. There was a white, yellow and a red-tinged halo around the moon, albeit at a respectful distance. It was really something else!

The superstition that people would go crazy if viewing the moon directly during a lunar eclipse is not unwarranted. How could anyone remain unaffected by that radiance and godliness? I marvelled at the moon casting its light all around. It was like I was seeing the moon for the first time in my life! Strange indeed!

Sigh....utterly gorgeous an experience it was. If only there was someone special to share it with! Not putting a picture, 'coz no image could ever do it justice. It will be all over the papers and telly tomorrow anyway.

All the paeans sung to the chand in Bollywood films don't come close to what I saw tonight. It took my breath away.


The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

wah wah. i will post my eclipse experience also, sometime..
always awe-inspiring, these events.

Nirwa Mehta said...

Chaand chhupa baadal mein.. :D Reminds me of that song, and a similar night few weeks back! :D :D :D

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

i didnt see! mommy made me have food early and tucked me into bed! wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :((

Anonymous said...

I didn't see, I missed it..

And your post makes me feel that I missed sooooo much :(((

Shouts of Nothingness said...

#Ladki log,
You can see lunar eclipse again. This is the 2nd time this year it seems! And my first time :D

Waiting for your post on the magnificent sighting!

#SG & Parekhombie,
Both of you singing the same song...are you guys related? :P

And Nirwa...if you were out last night, poor chand would have hidden fully behind cloudy shadows seeing your avatar!! :P :P :P

#SnS & RT,
Don't cry now, stop! This is not Bollywood film audition for heroine looking at chand and missing hero. Understood or wot?? Yooseless garals...missing such awesome events in life, chih!

Sayesha said...

I saw the chand too... after class... at 11ish... beautiful :)

qsg said...

Oh yesssss - the moon was so darn beautiful - and the night was so darn romantic! I hate it when it gets so darn beautiful... after a long time we had a nice clear night, the right temperature, the right moon, the only imperfection...oh well...! :(

Great post...

the_ego_has_landed said...

hey..thanks for droppin by:)

i know what u mean.. the beauty of the moon is sometimes too good for words...

btw i love gerberas too!!!! they're my fav flower:)

the_ego_has_landed said...
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greensatya said...

The beauty of nature is incomparable. The fact is that today's life seldom gives us a chance to enjoy it.

I can only imagine your experience.

Anonymous said...

i know which song u r talking of,

chand phir nikla,
magar tum naa aaye;
jala phir mera dil,
karoon kya main haaye.

i thot u had kept the mouse in the balcony. whom wer you missin on such romantic occasion then?

Shouts of Nothingness said...

So you know what I was raving about :-) Was there a lunar eclipse in Singapore as well?

Thanks :-)
As for your comment, patience, dear, patience... ;)

#The Ego,
Welcome back and thanks :-)

Absolutely right...very well put!

Its one of my favorite songs :-) Forgotten what movie it is from though...or even the refresh my black & white memory!!

Garfied, my hubby, had gone off to catch the mouses! Or so he said...found him snoring in the balcony in the morning.... :-))