Friday, September 08, 2006

Of Yellow Lilies & Pink Gerberas


The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

wow! who? why? where? when? how?

Nirwa Mehta said...

Someone's getting flowers, eh? Hmm.. someone got an early lunacy attack to send phalawears to Janefield! :D :D

Aur yahan pe koi spam nahin karega, kare toh welcome kar... be sweet to spammers, but remove this word verification.. it's irritting.. hmph! :P

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

i know who sent the flowers! i know who sent them!! *jumping up and down*

and if u want me to shut up, send some tanishq jewellery over to my home :) *eveil but sweet smile*

Anonymous said...

@ Sugar & Spice
*takes S&S to one side & offers her loads of chocolates*
Tell me quick S&S, Janefield's not here.. She as it is won't bribe you with any jewellery and all, its better you come over to my side, accept my chocolates & spill the beans :D

@ Jane
Mouth shut Jane till I know the truth or open your mouth only to tell me the sach okay :P

Take care,

Shouts of Nothingness said...

I won't tell.

Post on koshins??? That is wayyy too many koshins :P

YOU are calling me a loon?! *points and laffs* Abt spammers, I hate them and their tribe, I know wv is FALL irritating, but spammers are worse! X-(

Chup chaap baith tu! Joolry it seems, only vun tite slap you'll get! :P

Nice try, try again!! Who said I won't send SnS some Tanishq joolry? (oops, ye main kya boli?! good thing SnS isn't here and cannot hear me :D)

Vaise RT, bahut "vinamrata" se apun ne SnS ko samjha diya hai...kabhi nahin legi woh teri side :P Dream on, sistah! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh bummer, couldnt see this foto at work, just noticed it!!! Oh dear me, flowers:).......TGFI soo said what was on my mind, I see no harm in repetition, who, what, when, where, why?!?!?!??!?
It's ok, you can tell me, nobody in Msia knows you, so no one will EVER know:D

qsg said...

Jane - tell me - i am your soul sistah! oh puhleez!

Shouts of Nothingness said...

I have a good friend in Malaysia, and then there is you! ;)

Hmmmm...emotional blackmail from relatives...typical no? :P

qsg said...

Then what's the point of being a soul sistah? tell tell!

Anonymous said...

Oooh you have a friend here, ok I'll pass the message on to her only then:D

Anonymous said...

ahem...caught u!

Anonymous said...


Shouts of Nothingness said...

Come closer, let me whisper in your ear ;)

Thanks, but how will you know who my friend is? ;)

Err...what does that mean?

Errr...what is one to infer from such a profound comment? It boggles the mind indeed :P