Sunday, September 10, 2006

Testing Times

Its tough, it is, to be strong and carry on with life as if all's well with the world.

You gotta keep going, they say. Even if your heart is breaking and shattering into a million pieces.

Going through pain can psyche the living daylights outta you, but watching a loved one go through stuff is much, much worse. Particularly when you feel helpless about it.

So why do good people suffer? What makes God test them over and over and over again?

Or is that only the strong are tested? To test their strength? To see how much they can take/bear? And what is the lesson to be learnt therein?

Or are people tested because they need to develop more strength?

They say the more people are tested, the stronger they become. But we are all only human after all ! Too many tests, and repetitive ones at that, can end up weakening or breaking one's resolve altogether. What is the point in living like a broken piece of fragmented china? Might as well just take it all away at one go, or at one blow.

Repeated blows leave one bruised and badly battered. There's only so much one can take.

So many questions....where are the answers?


Anonymous said...

I have all the answers! :|

As I think, everyone has to go through tastes. The situation is worse with 'good' ppl because they choose to go the right way. As for ppl like me, we believe in giving up, and taking the best short-cut possible, so the relative impact of tests dont leave us in pain. But everything has to be balanced out at the end, so the final-blow you are talking of, gets us at the end.

And as for the good ppl, theres always a nice ending.

Tests are meant to make us strong before we give final exam.

Anonymous said...

ANd as for the song,

the movie is paying guest.

and i know you have now guessed the stars. yup, devanand and nutan. :)

Shouts of Nothingness said...

Good point about good people always striving for the right way to go about life and suffering inspite of it. Not sure about the nice ending at all...

Thanks for the song info...its my mom's fave song :-) can't believe I forgot the movie and the actors! :O

qsg said...

Jane babe, usually there are no answers. I do agree with anon that there are a lot of easy short cuts if we want to take them. But, I also believe that it all averages out in the end - it might seem like some get away, but actually, I don't think they do!

Life is tough. And all the trials and tribulations can be very tiring and exhausting.

This was in Little Miss Sunshine yesterday, where this guy said something about waking up and being 18, so that you could escape the high school years - and this other character responded by saying that the hardest years are the years that define us - they make us who we are - if we miss them, then we will be nothing - rather unevolved humans, not that different from the cave men or animals...! :)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

siiiiigh. kya baat boli. i think everyone has trying times in life, no one gets away without them. some seem worse off than others, some have it way worse than others. ..

but yes, it makes for one hell of a learning experience, i guess, that's what life is about. and then in most cases, one has no choice but to play with the cards they are dealt.

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

i havnt read the post yet; juss scrolled down and saw this - "So many questions....where are the answers?"
:) lemme brood a bit and come back later; m sure u will hv written a damn good post :)

Shouts of Nothingness said...

#Gemini babe,
Its not about taking shortcuts in life and whether they are the easy way out or not. That is another issue altogether. My post was not about the shortcuts, but about being shortchanged by life. What do you do then?

I agree with the 2nd character's response in the movie...the high school years are the best years of most people's lives! And yes, the years that make or break you too.

You're absolutely right about the lessons we learn in life. No one gets away with paying their dues? I dunno about that...did Hitler face retribution? And yes, its all about learning how to play the hand well in a deck of cards, the joker appears only once in a while if you're lucky...!

Do come back, hopefully with some answers! :-)

educatedunemployed said...

Every question has an answer, every problem comes with a solution.Some times we just can't see them.Hang in there,have faith and face it I say.

Now I know why you said I was reading out your mind.Oh well, such is life I guess.

Shouts of Nothingness said...

Thanks for reminding me, its something we all tend to forget every once in a while I guess.

Unknown said...

jane.. remember this...

The more u fight the pain... the miserable it gets...

Just surrender to it! and u will copnquer it!

One must feel the pain.. the sorrow.. the bitterness... It will make u strong!

If u fight them... It will take u down!

Shouts of Nothingness said...

Thanks for those very interesting and wise words, mate. I'm really touched :-)

Anonymous said...

Very well written Jane!

I think almost everyone has said a bit of what I wanna say.. Don't think I got much to add here except one thing...

"Sunny days wouldn't be special, If it wasn't for rain...
Joy wouldn't feel so good,
If it wasn't for pain."

Everyone goes thru times of trials but never give up, never lose that faith, neither in God, nor in your ownself. Never forget, God also helps those who help themselves, so just play your part and rest is destiny... No one can ever win against it!

Take care & God Bless,

Shouts of Nothingness said...

Destiny can be cruel, yaar. Thanks for your sincere wishes :-)

Anonymous said...

You know Jane dear why am I replying to your comment?? ESPECIALLY to get upset on you!!! Wish some words were charged when spoken :P

And I agree, destiny can really be cruel but we all are mere victims to it, can't do anything but watch it play with us! But am sure you're destiny is not cruel dear, just a testing phase :)

All the Best dear,
Take care,