At long last I managed to get my hands on the book ‘Five Point Someone’ by Chetan Bhagat. Much has been said and written about it, so I’ll keep it short. This book seems to have become the mantra for collegians and those of us still nostalgic about the ‘good ole days’. My all time fave in this kind of genre, though, continues to be ‘The Inscrutable Americans' by Anurag Mathur.
Here’s my (late) take on this college tome.
Feedback for FPS comin’ your way, Chetan… (Mallus reading this, pls make sure you get the pronounciation right).
1) GPA GPA GPA!! Oho! That might be the mantra at IIT, but for the world over, Gen Next is only interested in GAP GAP GAP!!
2) Take 3 losers, mix in some Floyd, grass, and vodka, and voila! A ‘novel’ dish targeting the youth is rustled up. Ice in the vodka? A smash hit bestseller and raking in the big bucks. Sweet! Who cares about dessert, right Chetan?
3) The heroine angle, Neha. The only ‘flavar’ among the nuts, bolts, and gears. Not much of a crowd puller though. More Betty than Betty Boop. The ‘kya maal hai’ factor is missing. Shilpa Shetty ko bulao! Item gal maangtha hai. In this Archie & Betty caper, Veronica is sorely missing.
4) The humor and simple lingo style of writing was ‘jhakkas’. But, what’s with all the typos, Mr. Engineer-and-MBA-and-NRI Investment Banker?
5) Chetan, can I have Ryan’s phone number?
awesome review? one of he best I have read..spercially in books !!
im guessing u didnt like the book
Bhagat's second book - One Night @ The Call Centre is far disappointing.. I am going to write on it soon! :D
And nice review there, after the book, even I wanted Ryan's number - he's probably the most likeable character! :D
Good one there! :D
You're guessing wrong, dear.
#Asha Parekh ki bhoothni,
Thanks :) Yeah, Ryan sounds hot, tho' a loser :P Let me know when you review the 2nd book.
Nice review.. and yeah... I did have a confusion on Chetan...
@ Nirwa
One Night @ call center may be written badly.. but he makes a strong Point.
A whole generation's potential is wasted, in attending to the needs of the west. That's indeed very sad.
ppl compared the book's similarity to DCH movie. ummm i dont think so *shakes her head* no no..
whaddya say? :)
Been trying to read these two books myself, but vot to do, simply no time these days!
I think movies are a lot easier to digest, very compact too!
I've blog-rolled you; so do keep the good writing alive!
Not read it, and ashamed to report, not heard of it either!
But, definitely read The Inscrutable Americans! Lovely lovely book - "My end is fine, hope your end is fine too! "
he he he
I remember NOT enjoying this book at all! :|
I haven't read the book.. not much into books actually but loved the way you've reviewed it!!! Short one but says it all :P
One night @ The Call Centre is not good Nirwa?? I heard its a nice book, in fact its a recommended read for me! I'll be getting it in a days time, now am in 2 minds whether to read it or not!!!
The Chosen One (Y don't you give your name da?)
Nice one.. Keep writing & ya, very sweetly you've tried to explain me your previous post by your comment :D Its not that I got much confused dear, but just wanted to know what exactly was going on in your mind.. Coz as I said earlier, you had much much more in mind when you wrote that post but you really restricted yourself with words :)
Anyways, nice one, keep writing dear..
Take care,
Who is that dude in your avatar??? Thanks and why don't you review the 2nd book too?
Comparison to DCH? Hmmmm..just coz the story revolves around 3 protagonists at college? Other than that, I don't see what else is really similar...hmmm...
Ace Amherst and you can probably write your own book! :) Thanks for blogrolling me, will try not to disappoint you :)
Disappointed!!! :P At last, right back at ya, babe! Having said that, let's toast to the travails of Gopal, that book was outrageously funny!
Surprised indeed! Then again, you are not the run of the mill college kid either, are you? :)
Do read ONATCC and tell us your views. Thanks for your comments, dear and since you haven't given up asking for my name, its Jane (see my url) :)
That's how I look when I pretend to think... well its me... who else can it be...
Actually I am planning to post something on the lines of "one night...." soon...
Thou shalt die for this !
PDV is the elixir of life !!
Tum log nahi samjhoge...
*shake of the head*
Havent read the book...and dont intend to.
Post away and be 'blunt' while you're at it :D
What the heck is PDV? Do enlighten us deprived souls, o masterful one! :P Mahajan ki tarah Tihar mein rehna pasand karoge kya be?!
Its actually hilarious in parts, especially the escapades et al :D
Ok, now you got me all curious, what is it about this book that put you off SO much??
FPS,I think the book is really about you relating with the characters. Its one of the best books I've read about college life.
Inscrutable Americans is more like a Indian in US and about the culture shocks that he goes thro and how he becomes americanised. Again another wonderful book I must say. He has exploited the "Indian" view towards american life wonderfully.
Yep, interesting books to read especially while traveling.
This book is absolutely great... I just loved it.
But as its known, he disappointed us terribly with his second book.
Btw, I had written a post on the Inscrutable Americans... I kinda liked the book.
tum log nahi samjhoge...
*shake of the head..again..*
Rahul mahajan was stupid..to get caught..
Nahi toh...mere mein aur Rahul mahajan mein farak kya rehta...
i need ryan's no too...so if you get hold of it ..let me know too :P :D
I need ryans number too :)
Don't even go near his, other book one night at a call centre, I read it :( so being a compassionate human being am advising you to not torment ur existence.
#Smiling Girl,
Pls do send me a link to your post on the IA, would love to read it. After hearing so much about the 2nd book, I'm almost curious to read it. There was a show on Times Now channel about call centres and they interviewed Chetan Bhagat about his book and how he went undercover at call centres while researching material for his 2nd book.
Machaan, you are on your own trip, just watch out you don't get tripped up some day!
As long as you stay anonymous, I don't have to worry about sharing Ryan with you!! :D
ROFL!! Kya re! Just when I have begun to get all curious and plotting how to get my hands on the 2nd book! Paani pher diya na! :-))
nahi re seriously main teri subh subh chintak hun so alerting you maa kasam ek dum faltoo book hai woh.
I want my money back :-/
Very nice site! »
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