Saturday, June 10, 2006

Travelize it!

This was so hilarious I had to share. Below is a link to a travel blog written by Dharmu’s boss. Obviously, I have met neither Dharmu nor her boss (a Westerner) in person, but only read their writings. When I clicked on the link to her boss’ blog, it was only out of curiosity to know more about her company and work. Had thought it was a link to her company website. Instead it turned out to be the travails of her boss’ travels to India. Always interesting to see how the white world views the brown one. The particular post of his that I’ve linked here is a cool description of our very own Landmark!

The travel blog web portal is also neat. Wondering if I should open one on my travels there or pen/type them here. Hmmm….any suggestions?

The View from the Other Side


dharmu said...

Hey, thanx for featuring my blog in your blog.

on a side note, Scot was in India for 6 weeks to train us on the process. And when i landed in San Diego, i still had him as my boss. A very nice, enthu, energetic person. Now he is in Pasadena(promoted) as the Regional Manager.

Preethi said...

Reading the travel blog now.. but I got this doubt... Landmark is in Forum, is it? Last time I bought something there, it was in Brigade Road...

Anyways, hopped in here from Ipanema Girl's blog..:)

qsg said...

Great adventures... starting a travelogue is not such a bad idea! :)

Unknown said...

The white world and the Brown world is very much evident on the post for sure! Even in the comments section its evident.
But hey... If some angrez has trouble communicating in India, its whose problem? Not Indias' for sure! Its not his problen either?
Its actually communications' problem!

@ smiling girl

Landmark is in Forum... Thats' a huge one there... The one which is on Brigade is a much smaller one.

have u never been to Forum?

Seems like u've been outta Bangalore for quiet some time now?

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

=)) that DHL thing was funny!
its a good thing that Scot went "scot free" after joking that he was sending drugs to US =))
Scot went scot free! =))

ok sad joke *zips her lips*

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

that was funny. i think people need to take it easy and not get all defensive, tho, like some of those commenters. ;) we all have strange experiences in a strange land..and he did such a good job writing about it!

Wanderlust said...

you can write about ur around the world trips and escapades!

Just Jane said...

You're welcome, girl :-) Enjoyed reading all about your road trip adventures, keep 'em comin' :-)

#Smiling Girl,
Welcome here! And I see that Koutilya has answered your query.

I see we continue to think along similar lines as usual :-)

All commenters here so far are brown(ies), some might be in white territory, thaz all :-)

I liked your joke, yaar :-)

My sentiments exactly! :-)

Escapades it seems! Hmmmpph! :D

R said...

A thought: I want to travel, travel, TRAVEL and have my own travalogue :|

Neihal said... absolutely the right word...things we take for so granted can become such an hassel in an unknown place...nicely written

Just Jane said...

Keep thinking good thoughts :-)

That's what culture differences are all about!

Anonymous said...

Very nice site! » »