Sunday, June 04, 2006

Things Are Just Not What They Seem

~ The Mahajan case, 'nuff said. The town criers have gone to town about it anyway.

~ Picture perfect marriages. How much of a sham(e) behind closed doors?

~ Writers and their writings. How much of it is the truth/imaginary?

~ Academic Grades. Reflection of a student's brilliance/intelligence?

~ Friends. Fair weather seems too mild a description for back-stabbers.

~ Relatives. (Explanation not required).

~ The movie industry and their behind-the-screen shenanigans.

~ Movies & TV Serials. The Sixth Sense & The X Files.

~ Charlie Chaplin. Real life isn't black and white after all.

~ My driver. The bugger has gone missing since 2 hrs, seems to have decamped with my bike.

~ This post. Not exhaustive by a long shot.


Anonymous said...


What was exactly in your mind when you wrote this??? Its much beyond you've tried to show I guess!!

Anyways, Get well soon :)

Take care,

Just Jane said...

Just apply the title of the post to each point, you'll see what I mean. The idea was not to confuse or confound anyone, lol! I'll explain the driver-related point :-))...ok, the explanation is long enuff for a whole blog post...but basically thought he was trustworthy but his actions are very contradictory. Grrr....

Just Jane said...

Thanks also for the good wishes, is there some other point you need me to clarify? Will be happy to! My friends seem convinced that apart from my foot, my head needs to be checked as well, which probably is why I am having to explain my posts! LOL!!

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

almost a life's worth of deceptions in a post? woah!

sab jhoothe kahin ke!

qsg said...

Right on!
As Wordsworth said: All that glitters is not gold.
That is why, now I am never jealous of people. I know I am not seeing the complete picture...! :))

Wanderlust said...

o my jod! wat ees thees!

Nirwa Mehta said...

Absolutely - jaise har chamakne wali cheez sona nahin hoti, waise har neeli tikiya, rin nahin hoti! :P


Unknown said...

My single question to thee...
"Define REAL"

Every thing in this world is a fallacy?
It Perhaps depends on the individual's mind that is @ work...

Just Jane said...

Life's like that, girl!

Yes, this applies to cute French guys as well, you never know what lies beneath! :P

I know, it is going above your pretty li'l head, precious!

Are you a descendant of the Nirma family? Washing powder Nirma, khub clean safedi, duniya se aayi, rangeen kapdon etc etc...sabki pasand Nirma!! I've forgotten India's most popular jingle! Don't shoot me, I'm already limping! :P

Yes, it is a matter of argument that reality is a matter of individual perception.

//Every thing in this world is a fallacy?// I did not say that at all. I said things aren't always as they seem. There is probably a lot more underneath the surface of what's visible. There is always another (if not many more) side to every story. Guess one way through tough times is to see the humor in it while moving on, what say you?

Vetti Guy said...

Hey thanks for your comment

and agree with you...even the daily news we hear is not what it seems :)

Unknown said...

aiyyo.... tough timesa????

total bouncer mate....
I stood up on my desk...
phir bhi bheja mein kuch nai ghusa!!!!
sab kuch upar se nikal gaya... ;-)
(but all my colleagues surely thought I was punished by my boss!)

Has "tough times" gotta do something withya broken toe????

Therz alwayz 3 sidz.. ur side my side and the right side of the ishthory...
u r alwayz expozed wonly 2 the tip of the iceberg.... what lies beneath.... u never know!

Well on a serious note...
Seeing the humor definitely helps but whats of gr8er importance is moving on and getting ahead and on top!!!

R said...

Couldn't agree more. Specially on Relatives...Buggers were created to suck the blood out of your nerves...or veins? Sorry...was always weak at Biology :|

Just Jane said...

#Vetti Guy,
Welcome, and keep those news flashes comin' right in :D

Toh tu bhi confused se confucius ban gaya kya? :P

Arre, my toe has nothing to do with this post. Each one is a separate case in point in tandem with the title, they're all unrelated points :D

I'm more curious about where you work, where they punish employees by making them stand on desks! LOL!!

Tell me about it! Bloodsuckers, all! Paah! Oh, and for a non-biology student, you sure take a lot of 'natural' photographs! :P

Neihal said...

"Things Are Just Not What They Seem"
Guess that's how they are suppose to be. Layered.

Hey! had to complement you on that piece of art 'Calmouflage'. It is beautifully written.

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

oh ji yeh to senti post hai ji!!!
wah mast likha hai especially abt relatives! bah ek baat chahiye unko bas they juss kill u with it!!
audacious no??!!!!

and driver?? yes i hv a driver too! but he lives in madras ;) whn i'm there he chauffers me around :D

Just Jane said...

Thanks very much :-)

Oye senti hogi tu! Especially lately ;-D As for Madras, ab tu bhi Madrasi ho gayi re hahahaha!

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