Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy Birthday, Awoooooo!

Today is an old pal's happy budday. Dear ol' Anoo. What a riot we were together.....always crazy about music and movies, we could jabber on nonstop all day and all night.

She still has "cassettes" of our convos. It was more of a shock than a surprise when she eventually confessed to having recorded our phone convos on tape. There was enough ammo in there to turn into a Watergate scandal (for some listening to those tapes it would have opened the floodgates and let water run freely down their faces).

College days were fun filled, no doubt. There are tons of stories on all the antics we got up to, but those will be reserved for another day, another occassion.

This story is only about Anoo's antics. She came to visit me in my city a few years after we had parted ways. She was surprisingly extremely well-behaved (maturity? naah....only b'coz my folks were around) and looked great, which was also a new one! She came bearing those tapes as gifts and it was such fun listening to old gossip about friends, foes, and other unmentionables. Typically, we stayed up nearly all night yakking away about ze good ole days.

The next morning she went in for a shower and came out looking squeaky clean. I was immediately suspicious :D

She went into raptures about my wonderful collection of soaps and shampoos in the bathroom, all looking and sounding so colorful and exotic.

Now Anoo considers herself a woman of very distinguished tastes. She has traveled the world and many seas and is quite the die-hard designer dudette. Her huge collection of branded parfums and accessories all sourced from abroad or even from Khan market is well-known within her group of gals. So when she went all curious about the soap she found in the bathroom, I had to go and check which one she was talking about. She simply HAD to know what product it was and from where I had got it so she could buy a few dozen for herself at the very least.

I took one look at the soap in question and split my sides laughing.

Poor Anoo stood there gaping and tapping her foot in impatience waiting for me to catch my breath -- and give her an explanation for my inexplicable behavior. Soon I began to howl like a wolf or like the dogs in my street do at night. Anoo didn't pay much attention becoz she knows I'm crazy like that and often.

Eventually, after my laughing fit kinda subsided, I had to inform her that she had just bathed using my cute li'l doggie's bar of soap.

Exotic? You betcha !!

So, here's to you, dear one-of-a-kind Awoooo...oops...Anoo.....have a blast of a birthday and keep shakin' it !

You're our very own Soap Doggy Dog ;)


qsg said...


qsg said...

He he he - here's to Anooo - and your dog's designer soap! :)
Did she then howl after you spilled the beans???

qsg said...

Can the next post be the gossip files? the tapes converted to mp3s?

qsg said...

With that, Gold, Silver and bronze gone! :)
The CEO is thrilled! :)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

Oye CEO. you only get counted once. SO abhi hat mere raaste se, i get silver.

awwww that is such a great idea, of taping convos with your best friend. of course rather dangerous too.....

nice..happy budday to awoo from me tooo. and did your dog get to have a bath then?

Harsha said...

lol here... *and picks up bronze*

I am just worried abt the dog ...I bet he didnt use the soap again ;)

I ask the same as gemini, can those casettes be converted to mp3 or can a chat transcript be given??? I have to know what gals talk about for such long hrs ;)

Neihal said...

hahaha.....(Finally a post)but a great one...Happy B'day Anu.

Anonymous said...


That was awesome!! I almost visualized you in your laughing riot & howling :P

Whats more important is, what was her reaction?? You missed the main point dear :p

And I agree with Gems, the next topic of discussion should be the tapes, probably converted to mp3's ;):P:P

A very happy budday to your friend :)

Take care,

PS: Hey, where's my piece of cake?? :P:P:P

Nirwa Mehta said...

:D Today is the birthday of the my first crush ever! :P Way back in 6th standard! :D :D :D

He was in my school, a year senior to me.. sigh! :P

Oh, and someone recording the gossip on phone!! :O :O

I have actually heard of this friend of mine who had recorded my laughter on phone! :P :P :P Now, someone was surely looking for nightmares! HEHEHE

And yeah, Happy Birthday Anoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Tera tera teraaa birnnnnnnnnnnnthdaeynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Just Jane said...

#CEO Gemini,
I see you have joined the gang of metal grabbers :P And don't be so greedy yet, you can only have ONE of them, and its the biggest haul, so congrats! :D

Convos were too mach only. In fact, this discussion makes me wanna bring out those tapes and lissan yeggain. Hopefully they still work. Maybe I should digitize them for posterity!

Doggie was a she and a darn cute one at that :-)

And I see you are trying very hard to get into the ladijj club! ;) Boy, am I glad to be a woman!! You have no idea what you are missing, dude! But since you are such a nice dude, for your sake, I wish you were a woman and also part of the oh-so-exclusive AA!! :D

Chat transcript...let me locate those darn tapes first...and then we'll see! ;)

Thankoo! Woof! :D

If you can visualize me laughing, you can visualize poor Anoo's reaction also! ;)

Come, let's order a black forest cake
or a tiramisu,
what say you? :P

Hehehehe! 'Tis fun to get nostalgic about old crushes ;)

As for hearing your birthday song, instead of Anoo hearing it, Himesh Nasalammiya will come running!!! Please...he is not walcum on this blog!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Ummm... Cake *slurp slurp*

This is just not done Jane!! You can't tempt me for cake like that.. ohhhhh, I think il get a choc cake for myself tonight! Hopefully if my neice comes, il get an excuse coz she loves to cut cakes and am an expert in finishing them off ;):P

Oye, jaldi se Anu ka reaction batao.. My visuals beech mein interrupt ho gaye the :P

Take care,

Just Jane said...

#Aarti Bhukkad,
Play Cake Mania instead! Super game it is, one of my faves. That way, calories bhi bach jayenge :D

Arre, imagine how you would feel if this happened to you :D

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

ok happy budday to ur friend.



Preethi said...

Hey u have a doggie???
And u never told me...
chal.. abhi apan dono doggie-doggie diskasans karte hain.. :)

And yes.. I forgot the main point... Wish ur friend a very nice budday..:)

P said...

And a happy birthday to your friend! ( hahahahah!)

Just Jane said...

Here, take :D

She is no longer with us :-((((((
But I am still ready for diskasan :D


Sayesha said...

Eeeesh! Mean mean Jane! :O

Sayesha said...

And by dog, you really meant a dog, right??

Just Jane said...

#Oye Sash!
Why am I mean?? Arre maine kuch nahin kiya, re. I didn't give her soap on purpose! :O She found it and used it, main kya karthi?? Yes, li'l doggie used to have snaan in that bathroom!

Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi ;)

Sayesha said...

You laughed at her and thus tortured her. I shall never live at your place if I'm ever in Chennai :|

Unknown said...

doggies' soap bar...?

BTW... happiue b'day.. to ur frnd...
an diferent kinda b'day post....

Doggies' bar... ROTFL....

Just Jane said...

Hahahahhahaha! Tu mere doggie ya uske soap se darti hai, kya? ;-) Arre, ab na dog hai na soap, Chennai aa jao without fear!!

See how Kautilya is laughing? Sirf tu nahin hasi re :D Even Anoo later hasofied. Chi! Now I gave her reaction, Aarti ko tassalli mil gayee :D

Funny istory, no? :D

But none of you caught my Soap Doggy Dog pun!!! :-((

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

i gotit! i gotit! i got pun and laughed at it also.

greensatya said...

Wow, nice anecdote :) Taping conversations seem to be a good idea.

Here's wishing your friend all the best in life.

Nice blog ; I shall visit again.

Just Jane said...

Simbli you are saying...hmmmpph!

Welcome, welcome, your list was super, I shall be copying it soon :D

educatedunemployed said...

Oh that was hilarous.!!!
One time I went to a farmer's market to find the most enticing stall was the dog food.:0

Neihal said...

Happy freindship day Jane. Thanx for the lovely comment.would like to know more about your dog....already know a few things about his soap.

The Girl Who Sold The World said...

Hahahahahahaha!!! Your friend's description was so similar to that of a close friend of mine...and to think, she's equally silly too! Hahahaha, dog soap? Mannnn!!! Hilarious.
You should gift her a pack of that brand of dog soap on her next birthday. :P

And yeah, Appy Budday to Anooooo. :D

Just Jane said...

Welcome and thank you! The dog food stall was most enticing??? Why?? Don't tell me you bought tons of dog food cans!?! (I hope you have a dog, LOL!!)

Happy frandsip day to you too!!!! We shall have a discussion on one of our fave topics soon :D And my dog was a girl :-)

//You should gift her a pack of that brand of dog soap on her next birthday. :P//

Hahahahaha, you naughty girl, trust you to come up with such ideas :P (it's a cool idea btw ;))

educatedunemployed said...

No no it was all so colourful and well displayed.Only when I got to the stall I realised what it was and had to turn around, because I have no dog.

Arrowhead said...

ROFL! Thinking of Anoo and 'coverage'. she must have used pretty much the whole bar. Have to tell dad this one. He uses nothing but Pears shower gel on the dogs. for his own shower some sundry bar will do. Absolutely hilarious coz Anoo is the definitive resident-NRI!!
Talking of soaping, remember XS? sigh...those were the Sorry...slip on the tongue...sheesh... you know what I mean!!

Arrowhead said...

And Anoo is someone who likes something with some hair on the Autralians would say. didn't think she extend the same preference to soap.

Just Jane said...


Walcum back, sailor.