Sunday, August 27, 2006

Mouse Update!

We caught another one! And this one was tinier. Just a li'l baby. x-(

And the trap was in the balcony.


Instead of groaning and cussing about it, I am gonna take a cool attitude towards this whole shindig. See pic below.


qsg said...


Anonymous said...

feed it. make it your pet. heard the story naa where one mouse helped a lion to get out of the trap. wel, i know u r not a lion, but still 'he/she/it' is a mouse.

Abhinav said...

hey where do u get mouse traps in Blore ... ne help .. i am in urgent need, bloody mouse is feeding on my refrigerator ...
BTW thanx for stopping @ my blog

Just Jane said...


I think the mouses around here think I am their pet, which is why they check in on me so often :|

Try the yellow pages :P But how on earth does the mouse get INSIDE your refridgerator in the 1st place?!

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

one more! OH MY GOD!!!

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

is that y u put a pic of garfield in ur profile?? ;)

oh wait, garfield is too lazy to catch mouse! ab kya karein???!!!?!?

:P :P

Just Jane said...

Imagine my plight X-(

See update and foto :D

Just Jane said...

SG!!! Darn cool mushrooms you got there :P

All Garfield pics are khool :D Garfield rocks!!!!

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

hehe i agree with jazzy jane! the mushrooms look like one big happy family :D

Just Jane said...

LOL @ SnS' mushroom family comment :D

Anonymous said...

WOW Jane,

That was awesome! :D
Am trying to imagine you in Garfield's position... What a sight to see :P:P:P

Take care,

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

I am LOUUUINg new name, new page, new avatar. totally LOUIIING.

yeah baby!! rock on!

Sayesha said...

Shabash! :D

qsg said...

I love garfield - he is the love of my life - his birthday is a day after mine... I am glad you have his pics all over - I can't keep my eyes off this cool cat! ;)

Now, a new post, okay???

Just Jane said...

I'm always in Garfield's position, i.e. sleeping, unlike you! :P

Thenkoo, thenkoo, sab aap ki meherbaani :D

Thanks! :-)

Cool cats rock! :D New post...I'll ask Garfield and tell you :P

The Girl Who Sold The World said...

Janefield? JANEFIELD? Hahahahahahahahahahaha... *incessant laughter*. Hahahahahaha...*wipes tears from her eyes*.
God, I dunno what's so funny about it but it cracked me up real bad. :P And me louuuuuuuuuuuus Garfield. :D

Oh, and sowwie to hear about the mouse trouble again...*pulls a straight face*. Try using that thingie whose ad slogan went something like this, "ise kha kar, choohe marein bahar jakar". :P

Shouts of Nothingness said...

We have Garfield in common :-)
Enuff about choohas, the COOLEST CAT is in da house to chase 'em all away! :D (or click pics with them...sheesh...)

The Girl Who Sold The World said...

*Imagines Janefield running after the poor choohas with a camera and then forcing them to get their pics clicked with them*.


greensatya said...

Time to call the 'Pied Piper' !

Anonymous said...

Uuufff. It took me that many days to find your new profile!!!:) But yippee, got you and not gonna lose it this time:D

Shouts of Nothingness said...

No need to imagine anything...why do ya think I uploaded the pic? :D

Hehehe! Indeed :D

Sorry girl...didn't have your email id to contact you since you don't have a blog :( But welcome back now :D

And...why don't you get a blog too? :-)

Anonymous said...

I am already addicted to reading blogs.....I think it would be REALLY dangerous if I started one of my own! It's just so easy to lose track of time. Anyways, I am convinced I wouldn't have anything to write abt:) But if I ever do, of course I'll let you know!