Saturday, August 12, 2006

Who will bell the mouse?

Last night, I opened the bedroom door and saw a li'l mouse jump from a chair and scurry away to a corner behind my comp workstation. Promptly screamed and shut the room door as fast as I could.

A mousetrap was laid for Mr. Mouse with some food in it. Dad then turned on the AC at full blast, switched off the light, and shut the door. I simply HAD to ask why Daddy-O was turning on the aircon for the MOUSE. He said it was to freeze it out of its hiding place and come looking for the food inside the trap. Brilliant idea, no?! Dads !! :-D

Now, Dad had already suspected for a few days that there was a rat in the room. He had heard some "tok-tok" sound on and off and was sure there was something living inside the PC cabinet gnawing away at the wood. Either a lizard or a rat. I'd assured him that it wasn't possible as I would have known if there was one.

However, for some time now, each time I opened this cabinet, I would find 1-inch sized black droppings ALL OVER. Around the keyboard, the CPU, the UPS, etc. I'd presumed these were lizard droppings and that some creepy gecko was residing within the vicinity of my PC and had adopted the cabinet as its apartment. Each day I would throw those disgusting pieces of shit (no pun at all) away and carry on with using the PC.

Back to li'l Mr. hour later we found that it had been caught. Its long tail was sticking outta the trap. The trap was kept on the balcony for the rest of the night as it was too late to do anything about it.

I returned to the PC heaving sighs of relief that the worst was over. Boy, was I wrong!

There was a godawful stink emanating from inside the cabinet. I looked around the UPS/CPU, in the bottom shelves and other top shelves, but couldn't figure out what was wrong. As had become the norm, I found some more black droppings around and threw them out. Eventually, I discovered the source of the stink...

Mr. Mouse had peed all over the cabinet! There was fresh pee right next to the keyboard and near the mouse (the electronic one i.e.). The pee around the electronic mouse was in the shape of a footprint. Apparently, Mr. Mouse had stamped on its own susu and then proceeded to scamper ALL OVER my workstation.

I was completely freaked out by then, as if seeing the poor li'l creature wasn't traumatic enough. Stories about leptospirosis came to mind. Ever since it came to prominence as a fatal disease, it is the scariest thing on earth. Worse than AIDS itself! I slammed the workstation doors shut and ran from the room.

This morning, Mr. Mouse was still in the balcony sunning himself and doing hulahoops inside the trap, with its long tail sticking out. At noon, this man who had been asked to help arrived, and I heaved a sigh of relief on seeing him when I opened the front door and let him in. Informed him that Mr. Mouse was in the balcony.

This guy walks straight towards the bedroom. I politely enquired where he was heading. He said he had been asked to clean the cabinet.

Gritting my teeth, I asked him as politely as I could to please remove the offending criminal from the premises first. Mr. Mouse had already been living in the house long enough as an uninvited and unpaying guest. And after that, could he please come back and clean the cabinet without any further delay. The man gave me a pained look and did as he was told.

He spent the next two hours disinfecting every centimeter of the PC's workstation, with me for company screaming instructions from a safe distance all through, like a background symphony orchestra.

We discovered that Mr. Mouse had chewed away at the cable wires out of sheer hunger or boredom, I dunno which. The internet connection and printer wires had been nibbled at right in the middle of the wires.

Poor Mr. Mouse! Without any semblance of actual food, it had been feeding on electrical wires and the wood panels at the back of the cabinet and then of course proceeding to leave li'l black souvenirs all over for me to encounter.

I spent a good part of last night and half of today screaming my head off.

I dont think I can recover from this trauma for a long long long long long long time.


greensatya said...

Seems Mr real mouse had frequent rendezvous with the electronic mouse !!

Seriously these creatures, mouse, lizards,etc are totally disgusting.

Just Jane said...

LOL!! Now the attraction to the PC becomes clear! LOL...Yeah, they are creepy alright, but they apparently play a huge role in our environment, so we have to live with them, sometimes literally so! x-(

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

lol lol lol.
i am still reading this and laughing.

and oh, btw, you poor thing, that must've been traumatic

but,,but,,,, lol!!!!!

Neihal said...

"Poor Mr. Mouse" am so sorry it happnnd to you...but one mouse incident is must in everyone's life :) should be happy you are done with it :))

Nirwa Mehta said...

That explains your yellow keyboard.. :p

Sayesha said...

I SAW this post coming! :D

Just Jane said...

Even I find it phunny, re! So kairi on loffing :D

I sure hope this was the last time too!

Chih!! Yellow is only your green Parekhombie's face! So there! :P

Wot to do? I yam like this wonly!:D

The Inquisitive Akka said...

Oh that was funny!!Poor Mr Mouse, being evicted from his virtual world this way:)I'll have to disagree with greensatya, lizards are adorable creatures!If you have a couple of lizards you'll most likely find less cockroaches!Lizards are very clean reptiles!I am not joking, my mom's a bio teacher and she keeps singing their praise!

Anonymous said...

No offense to Mr Mouse but he was pretty duh to get caught! Unlucky us out here, they just never fall for traps! But my sympathies are with you, it must've been traumatic to have droppings all around!

qsg said...

ROTFL - this is waaaaay too funny - Mr. Mouse turned your world upside down that night...hmmm! ;)

Still laughing...still laughing... I must stop! :D

Anonymous said...

ROFL - dude - you win them all !!! - sauga

Anonymous said...

Was waiting for this post Jane :P

All my sympathies dear.. For that poor little mouse :P
Kitna tang kiya aapne usko, chilla chilla kar, us bichare ke kaan ke parde fat gaye honge! :P

No wonder he fell into the trap so easily. He might have thought its better to stay away from you :P

LOL, jus kiddin haan dear!
Some of my sympathies with you too, for clearing all that (eewww) mess & bearing that (yucks) stink :P

Btw, one very important part, what did you actually scream when you saw the mouse?? Mummyyyyyyyy or Chuhaaaaaa??? ;):P

M louuuin this :P
Take care,

Just Jane said...

#Inquisitive Akka,
:-) Didn't your birthday go by very recently? I can still send you a few geckos as a belated gift, what say? ;)

#Rohit dear,
There's no escaping your friendly neighborhood gecko. Might as well make peace with them! :P

Now I can safely say "been there, done that!" Sheesh....Btw, welcome here! :D

:X You must stop this instant! Grrr...I should've fedexed him to Lajjo, she's the one familiar with staying up nights with mice!!! :D

What exactly did I win here, according to you?

#Rebellious RT,
Enjaaing pulling my taang, aren't ya? Enjaaai, I say! You get the gold for the best comment so far :D
And to answer your question (for once), I didn't really scream ;) Love to exaggerate ;) don't tell anyone this ;):P

Anonymous said...

Don't ask me why am laffin so much Jane, guess am again into one of those uncoontrollable fits of laughter :P

Your reply was too cute and hey, Thanks (for once) to answer my question :P

Hey, I won the gold???
Yeayyyyyyyyyyy \:D/
Dhakki tikki dhakki tikki :P

And yeah, I louuu making you taller.. Err, I mean pulling your leg
(Never mind for that PJ :P)

Take care,

The Inquisitive Akka said...

Why don't you send one to my mom instead :)

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

mouse pee'd on mr. mouse?? bhai-giri ka to zamana hi nahi raha! tch tch bad mouse!

P said...

Am stuck between "LOL" and yelling "Eeeeew"..

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

go with the LOL. hahahahhaha i still am!!

Just Jane said...

Thanks, guys for all the "show of support"! :P

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

I have to come here everytime and share my token LOL.

Harsha said...

Wonderfully written, I must say... And rat piss on the mouse.... lol and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww at same time ;) I guess its coz of the AC :)

And the best part was Mr. mouse stamping his own susu and then proceeded to scamper ALL OVER my workstation ...ROFL here

There are 3 ways to kill the rat in the trap which we used to do. One was put the trap in a bucket of water. Ofcourse you will have a lot of squealing there and a bucket to wash. Other is to put a noose and poke the mouse so that it slips its head into it. and then pull the noose hard. It will die. Again a lot of squealing. And then you can put in rat poison, it will die silently. But the last one will take atleast 2 days. How did you kill it??? I hope there is a sequel to this post :D

The last time I killed mouse, i struck hard on its skull with a broom. One shot. Game over!!! :)
Now I just hope you are not in love will Mr. mouse and an animal activist :)

Just Jane said...

E token item, take your token and stand in the queue, wot?

LOL about Mr.Mouse feeling cold coz of AC and then peeing, hahaha!

And I wouldn't try even a single one of your suggested methods!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!! We don't kill them here. They are just let loose somewhere far away...LOL!

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

Harsha aur mera wavelength solid jamta hai baap!

And the best part was Mr. mouse stamping his own susu and then proceeded to scamper ALL OVER my workstation


but not on all that mouse-murder talk. eeeuuuuuu harsha.

Harsha said...

arre...I'll tell u the rat will come and susu all over your comp again. :))
Woh chuha badla lekar rahega!!!

At my place, there used to be loads of rats. And huge ones too. Taking it somewhere was not a feasible idea at all. Infact we used to get up at night, kill the rat and go back to sleep. And there are times, we've had killed more than 2 in one night.

Nee said...

Ugh - Chosen one, sorry you had to be chosen for this! I am absolutely repulsed by the creatures, so my truly heartfelt sympathies!


Just Jane said...

You sure know how to attract them ferocious ones, doncha? Be they rat or kat killers! ;)

You sure have an alternate career option, if ever you need one!!! I will put your number on speed dial if I encounter Mr.Mouse again :P

Heartfelt thank yous :(

Arrowhead said...

I don't think you are out of it yet. Probably Mr. Mouse had a thing for the electronic mouse and it wasn't pee for all you may know (or not know). I suggest you wait and watch your mouse for 'irregularities'. I have seen this territorial peeing thing on Discovery Channel, altho the animal in question was a lion. Same diff. And remember that he has chewed on cables. Could have developed a fetish or something. You never know. This is serious, dudette!

Just Jane said...

You seem to be more traumatised reading about my mousey experience than me! Take a chill pill, dude :P