Thursday, August 17, 2006

Vande Mataram

What a beautiful song and melody!

Gives me goosebumps whenever I listen to it.

Very proud that it contains my name.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


greensatya said...

Name guessing, it won't be easy. There are so many feminine names in that song.

Anyhow, I agree, it is a wonderful song.

Just Jane said...

Say what?

Oh....trying to guess the name? LOL! That's not gonna be so simple, dude....hahahahahha! There are always deeper, hidden meanings to blogposts! ;)

Isn't it just utterly wonderful? Sigh.....

Anonymous said...


i hope thats not a typo, and even if it is, its highly artistic.


(i was really bored, thanks for bringing out a big smile on my face!)

Just Jane said...

Nope, no typo :D and thanks for the compliment! You're very welcome :)

qsg said...

Vande??? ;)
Beautiful, indeed! :)

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely song, have to say I'm so blur on the meaning!:) All I know is it's so very soothing, at least the version I've heard. Oh and too many name possibilities!!!:) But wait, I'm sure you're not really going to say either are you?:D

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...


The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

T.C.O is a boy in a girl's blog!!!

Harsha said...


Please tell if its one of them and if I were to take a guess it would be Sheetal :)

Neihal said...

Lol...I had great 15 minutes reading your post...(13 1/2 minutes reading comments)...

I completely agree...the song is me goosebumps as well.

and just as we are on the topic...People stop remixing it...the original by Lata is the best.

Virdi said...

is your name Kabootar???


Just Jane said...

Nice try :P

Are you Malay? Had presumed you were Indian! :-)

First you cuss here and then you try to bend my gender on me own blog?? 2 much i say!! Punishment is awaiting your evil self. Just vayt.

Chanchal, Sheetal, Nirmal, Komal...see what you've done've got me singing the Satyam Shivam Sundaram song :P :D

The commentators here have a field day at my expense :D I agree with you, nothing like the original!

Your name is Kabootar Ja Ja Ja :P :D

Anonymous said...

hahah, if I was Malay Malay, I wouldn't understand a word you guys say on your blogs!:) I'm a M'sian born Indian who was too lazy to get up early on Sundays for hindi classes!:D Thus my vocabulary is limited to everyday talk and not newsreaders kind of hindi!

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

is it?

Nirwa Mehta said...

Mata Rome ?

Arrowhead said...

I get it! Your name is part of a bigger name in the song. Is it Malam from Kamalam? Relate this comment to Vat.

Bindu said...

Ya, that is a wonderful song. Not only the words, but the tune also. It used to play early morning on the radio, so it alwasy reminds of sunrise :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome comments dear :D

I love it too and even some other patriotic songs.. Ae mere watan ke logon is another one which always gives me goosebumps!!!


Take care,

Rider on the Storm said...

brllliant song..u shud listen to the Mising version by A R Rehman

Just Jane said...

That's the best version of Hindi :D

Nice guess work. Don't quit your day job :P

That was pretty close, I am a Mata of some sort :D Today Rome, tomorrow Australia, why not? :D

#Arrowhead aka Pee-brain (yes, that is the right spelling for you),
Let me put you in touch with Mr.Mouse, am sure you guys will get along great considering you two have so much in common :P

Sunrise...beautiful association befitting the song :-)

Jai Hind! :-)

#Stormy Rider,
What is the Mising version? I have heard Rehman's version of course. Amazing one too, I concur.