Monday, August 21, 2006

Shopaholic Sistahs!

Shopping.....its a word that sends thrills through a gal and chills down a guy's spine. The anticipation of a shopping holiday is filled with such excitement among most gals.

And so it was that two pals decided to take off to Big Bad Bangalore over the weekend. Ze Zombie (ZZ) and La-La Lavs (LL) decided to raid Bangalore of all its textile and handicraft industries at one go!

Between the two of them, they practically emptied out Commercial Street. There are no stalls/shops left there and the road itself has worn down thanks to their marching up and down it all day. The shopkeepers are alternating between delirious shouts of joy and heartrending wails thinking about how quickly their stocks were emptied.

From strapless tops to golden shoes (yes, you read right), the gals returned with arms laden with loot aplenty. From feminine flair (flowery and dainty wear) to macho glares (roadside romeos), they experienced it all. Actually, they were rather disappointed with the apparent lack of goodlooking guys around. That too, in Bangalore! What is the world coming to?? Isn't there any justice left in this duniya?? Two gorgeous gals on holiday don't encounter handsome hunks?! Atrocious, no?

This tiny technicality, however, did not deter these determined-to-shop dudettes! They went about ransacking the best stores of Bangalore and also club hopped to their heart's content. So what if there were more scantily clad babes in the pub than interesting men? Huh! They tossed their (carefully salooned) hair and went about their business :D

LL is from LA and hence very la-di-dah, or so we like to tease her :) She is a gorgeous fun-loving babe with a limitless fun quotient and ability to laugh! ZZ makes everyone laugh with her antics and naan-sense! The two as a combo is rather deadly to beat!

They had separate seats in the train during the journey to Bangalore. LL hatched a plot to get their berths together by adding a twist to the already harebrained plot. She decided to give ZZ the role of a pregnant woman and announced to the people in the compartment that ZZ needed attention and hence she had to be with her in the adjacent berth, just in case ZZ gave birth in the train. ZZ decided to play along and promptly burst into a coughing fit. LL had to nudge her and remind her that coughing is a symptom of TB and NOT of pregnancy!!!

However, the poor men around did not seem to notice the difference and hastily gave up their berths to the one seemingly about to pop! Never mind that ZZ doesn't even have a paunch that can even be remotely mistaken for a pregnant woman's belly!

Ahh...the adventures of girlhood...a must for every young lady to let her curly or straightened hair down :D

More power to wimmin and ya-ya sisterhood! Rock on, dudettes!


Wanderlust said...

im ze zombie! im ze zombie!

next time come along o chosen one!

Neihal said...

LOL...great post yaar....mazza aa gaya :) "LL had to nudge her and remind her that coughing is a symptom of TB and NOT of pregnancy!!!" hahaha

Nee said...

"LL had to nudge her and remind her that coughing is a symptom of TB and NOT of pregnancy!!!" - LOL!

Preethi said...

I bet that those men didnt give away the berth coz she was pregnant. They must've done that coz they both are babes.. and men will be on their knees to please babes... :);)

Man.. u reminded me of Commercial street.. did you??? Now come with me for shopping there.. I miss my only companion of shopping there.. :(

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

lol this was funny! ze zombie mein jaan aa gayi!

Kusum Rohra said...

Wow shopping is so much fun !!! I have been after sugar for us to go for some soul refreshing shaaping :D

@Sugar : Chal na be, colaba causeway jaakar dhamaal karte hai !!!

Unknown said...

That sure sounds a lot of fun!!
Wish I were in th train to see it.


Just Jane said...

Stop spinning and calm down! Still hungover from all that shoppin' I guess ;)

Thanks! :)


Chalo! Am ever-ready as a battery :P

Zombie has a lotta things up her sleeveless sleeve that get her mojo workin'! ;)

Whoa! Haven't seen you around in quite a while, welcome, welcome :D Soul sistah hi5 about the shopping! :D

I wished I was there too :P

Anonymous said...

this is a check! if you have got this than you havent banned anonmouses!

jhooot bola!! :O gandi baat!! gandi bachchi!!

Just Jane said...

Excuse me?! A mouse calling me gandi? That's real funny!!

Anonymous said...

you havent banned US yet!! :O

Just Jane said...

US?? Meaning there are more of you or are you referring to you and your schizoid selves?? And if you're so eager to get banned, let me act on it without further delay.

Anonymous said...

And sorry for spamming here, but i hadnt read your reply earlier.

Anonymous said...

again!! i hadnt read ur second reply too!!

ashuvidha ke liye khed hai!!

Just Jane said...

What a polite mouse you are :P

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

what phun you girls had. ahahhaah pregnant woman coughing. tooo much t.v you are seeing. :)

Just Jane said...

Too much TV is good for health, only TB is bad for health :D

Raghav said...

Well bangalore sounds like fun!
too many girls and not nf hunks ??
bahut naa-insaafi hai!
we delhi guys should help out the 'poor' state

Just Jane said...

Come down to B'lore and save the world! :P

dharmu said...

hi, dropping after a real long time. hoping your poor toe is winking happily after all the house arrest he had?

and wonder-o-wonder, i am hitting on blogs with special mention os LA today. first it was about LA itself, then a convo from LA, then gaalis on LA, and here it was about a friend from LA. looks like my neighbouring town is on blog news.

Just Jane said...

Hey, been a very long time...toe's doing okay-o, could be better though! LA rules! Your timing is perfect :D

Anonymous said...


One mad cartoon you are, pata hai na?? I laughed like hell, esp your preggy woman aur TB wali line par!!!

Shopping??!!! Phew, am almost tired of it right now! But I still wanna go shopping, something other than suits & sarees phuulleeaase!!!

U know Jane, your first line reminded me of him coz he always keeps sayin.. Don't get used to this shopping haan, am not gonna take you later & I keep teasing him that I won't spare him soo easily :P:P

Take care,

qsg said...

hahahahaah - too funny...which one is you??? And who is the other person...ooops - ADD - did I miss something again... *wondering*

Raghav said...

thanks for the offer.. but i'd much rather stay in delhi and give company to my better-half... my soul-mate :-)

The Inquisitive Akka said...

They sound like fun!!!

Just Jane said...

Glad you enjoyed the read :) As for shopping, start buying groceries, fruits n veggies from now on -- for a change :P

Get a grip on your ADD, lady!! Jeeez...

You can still visit B'lore -- alongwith your soulmate! :P

#I Akka,
Yeah, they can be and also know how to have a lotta fun :D

qsg said...

Jane...what did I miss???

Just Jane said...

You missed it, so you tell me!! :P

Anonymous said...

main daud-daud ke thak jaaunga..aur finally mar(as in marine) jaaunga, bhook se!

you sure dont want your fav anonymouse to be dead! write a post now!!

Just Jane said...

Are you a marine a.k.a sailor mouse??