Monday, July 16, 2007

The Deafening Sounds of Silence

This morning I was wondering what it would be like if one could just up and leave to a place/city/country where I don’t know anybody and no one knows me. Start life afresh.

Shave my head – this would take care of the bad hair days as well. And also maybe grow a head of better and finer hair than the royal pain it is right now. Wear braces to correct the teeth – something I can’t do now without dying of embarrassment. Then again, the condition the teeth are in right now are an embarrassment in itself.

The power of anonymity—go somewhere where there aren’t nosy relatives and so-called friends. Ah, bliss. I crave for new experiences. Fearing the unknown has only resulted in a state of stagnation worse than the unknown itself. This should have been the unknown to be fearful of!! Sheesh!!

I wish there was a good enough reason to want to go away. Its not because I’m famous (I wish) and want to run far from the madding crowd. Its not because I’m running away from something or someone to go into hiding. Guess its just that I’m tired. Of the life I’m currently leading. Which seems to be stuck in a rut.

And what one longs for is a refreshing change. In all respects. New scenery, new things to learn, new stuff to do. What would it be like I wonder. If one could take off without a care in the world and live only for yourself. I don’t remember what that feels like. I feel bound and tied down. This isn’t a good feeling at all and most of it is my own doing. Having laid my own bed, I am now lying in it. And it ain’t comfy.

There’s so much I wanna do, yet no action is taken in the right direction. So many self-imposed shackles. Wanna break free and fly high. Soar like a bird in the sky. And before I come out with worse lines, I must get some sleep. Ah, that’s it! Lack of sleep is the cause of all these wandering thoughts.

I don’t want to turn back the clock anymore. An exercise in futility anyway. Even nostalgia is not what it used to be :P Might as well look ahead at the new and the exciting. Until of course that gets old too at some point. Circle of life I guess.

When will I stop saying ‘And I still haven’t found what I’m looking for?’

Moral of the story: Too many random thoughts lead to a random post.


Born a Libran said...

Everyone under the sun has thought about fleeing from the life they have created for themselves at some point or the other. The only cure that has been discovered so far for staleness is a holiday far away from the known :)

ferret said...

did you write that or was it me!!?

qsg said...

Welcome to mid-life crisis - right there with ya! :)

Just Jane said...

I did take a holiday just a month ago, but guess it was too short, albeit very sweet :) Guess I need another one! :D

Welcome to the world of blogging where others think your thoughts :)

WHAT??? Is that what I'm going through--mid life crisis??? Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :(((

Anonymous said...

@Gems, this is not mid-life crisis... coz I also get such thoughts, and I am not in mid-life unlike u.. :P

Jane... I am with u on this.. I have plans as to how I will execute my running away and what I will do in a new-land also.. :D

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

I feel bound and tied down. This isn’t a good feeling at all and most of it is my own doing.

you're obviously not doing it right. you're lying on the WRONG BED!!

Anonymous said...

LOLLLL @ Lajjo. Can't stop laughing to that :P

Jane, you spoke my mind dear.
Hugs >:D<

Just Jane said...

Plans bolke bina chali gayi! Share yr secrets plissssss :D

Obviously I've been lying in the wrong person's bed also. Hmph!

Thanksh :D I'm changing my profession to that of a mind reader shortly. Muahaha!