Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Revelation

LOL! I was recently advised not to wait for divine intervention and follow the adage -
"a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do."

Now it is becoming apparent to me that I have, indeed, been waiting for divine intervention.

Being struck by a flash of lightning, that is!! Ha ha ha!!

(Aside: Is it a bolt of lightning/a bolt of thunder? We've heard of both--a lightening bolt and a thunderbolt! :P)

(Aside 2: When the brain doesn't work at work, its time to crack PJs galore!)


Anonymous said...

hehehehe. I like that :D

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

wot bakwaas u are doing

Unknown said...

LOLz... @ divine intervention.... :P

Just Jane said...


:P to you also!

I knew you'd get it! Hehehehe :D

Anonymous said...

Why is it raining posts on ur blog?? One day I dont come and this is the haal???

Shall i send a Homeo tablet for the diarrhoea? :P

Just Jane said...

Its rainin' men, hallelujah, its rainin' men! Oh wait...why am I singing? Where are the men? HMMMMPH!!

Abbe, blog na karo toh poochte hain kyun, blog karo phir bhi poochte hain 20 questions! Grrrrr....