Monday, July 09, 2007

Theme for a Dream

Dreaming of moving to another place/space – atleast virtually.

Wordpress has enchanting blog themes. Keeping summer in mind, there are a lot of 'citrusy' colored pics, themes, lines etc, in their blog template designs, and the obvious spring/summer/rain pics for a fresh natural feel.

This one below reminds of a scene from Shaan's video 'Gumsum Ho Tum'. All cloudy, dreamy, and romantic. One of my fave songs and videos ever. Apart from the pale blue/grey and white look of the video, Shaan's smile and voice makes me weak in my crochety old, but still idealistically romantic knees :)

Love the banana smoothie idea of a theme, but didn't look so hot on paper...err...browser :P

Then there is the 'seasonal' theme, snowcapped fern trees and walkways with snow flakes drizzling down on a cold winter's night during X'mas.

The city slicker like theme for the city girl in me. Long winding concrete pavements with tons of shops and cafes lining a busy NY/San Francisco street.

The cool moss green color and the even cooler flower motif. An ethnic fusion look. Ethnic fusion art, crafts, clothes and décor is most always aesthetic and almost always gets me.

Another fave....the gorgeous expanse of Mother Nature in all her wondrous glory. This is 'OceanMist'.

And saving the best for the blue waters and golden sand at where else, but the beach! :-)

And finally, the wanderer/traveler/seeker in me cannot decide which of these suit me the best...actually each of them do, at various ages, stages and moods of my life.

The one feature that I found striking about Wordpress is its 'tag surfer' option. You get a bunch of blogs previewed on your space that might be similar to one of your own posts. Or not necessarily covering the same topic. But its still a peek into varied subjects and blogger profiles you might otherwise never come across. This also leads to getting 'lost while reading other's blogs' and forgetting or running outta time to update your own.

Sigh…the blissful dreamer in me carries on dreamin'...

Which of these pics do you like?


Abhishek said...

the last one is nice

qsg said...

I loved ocean mist and the one after... guess i have your wrong blog blogrolled! Need to change - have been missing your posts! :o

greensatya said...

No no, don't move anywhere. Blogspot is way better than anything else !

Unknown said...

The "Gum sum ho tum" is really nice...

but should I really choose one from here?

Born a Libran said...

I liked the 2nd in the traveler category

PizzaDude said...

I totally loved the OceanMist, Beach and the last one with the railway track surrounded by greenery.

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

bohat ho gaya tp. how bout a REAL POST?

Just Jane said...

That one is one of my faves too :)

#Gems Bond,
Soul sistah same pinch types! :P

Really? Name atleast 5 reasons why Blogspot is better?

You have great taste--just like moi! ;) I can't choose either!!!

Cool looking tunnel, no? :)

I agree! Good taste!

This was a 'surreal' post :P

Anonymous said...

Love the first greeny citrusy one.. and the last green track one...
Choose the last one! :D

Anonymous said...

Nature nature, Mother Nature rocks :D Whether its mountains or rivers or greenery or clouds :)

LOL @ Lajjo. YOu rock babes :D