Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ouch, I got tagged!

This was fun! I feel like I'm back in business (of blogging I mean). Sayesha tagged me and I obliged like the good li'l girl that I am :-)

Here are the rules:
1. Players start with 5 random facts about themselves.
2. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 5 random facts.
3. Players should tag 5 other people and notify them they have been tagged.

So here goes....some random facts about me, myself and moi:

1. I could be listening to Shubha Mudgal one minute and the next song could be Linkin Park and the next one Louis Armstrong, and the next Madonna, and so the eclectic tastes in music go on...

2. During the days of Napster I went into a downloading and CD recording frenzy and made a pile load of CDs of music I wanted to own and treasure. The initial euphoria lasted a couple of months and then the CDs were forgotten. After all these years, I have decided to randomly pick CDs off the shelves before they get asphyxiated by dust and listen to them atleast thrice a week. With the collection I've amassed, if I don't start now, they won't be used till I die (that is, presuming I'm gonna live till the ripe old age of 90).

3. I used to be a total daydreamer, living with my head high up in the clouds. Now I'm so grounded I've almost gone underground. I sometimes feel like an earthworm burrowing deeper and deeper downward.

4. Sanjeev Kumar is one of my favorite yesteryear actors.

5. After a long hiatus, I'm now suffering from blogging diarrhoea. Despite promising to do this tag last, I ended up doing it first 'cos I got bitten by blogger's itch!

6. I'm rediscovering some really interesting-sounding bloggers (from their blogs of course) online, and am struggling to keep pace reading them all, but can't without resorting to being online

7. I'm a fabulous driver and I say so myself :P From dying to learn driving since age 15, and nearly dying from torture of not putting hand to wheel for five long years, I finally learnt at age 20 and acquired a license to kill.

8. Beautiful art, craft, photography, music, a book, and even just a warm hug can make my day and make me feel high on life and love.

9. Puppies have so much personality. They can make you laugh, cry and wanna play with and cuddle them up. Whoa-oh-oh-yeah, I love dogs more than I can say! :-)

10. I'm totally unpredictable and mad. I thoroughly enjoy surprising people when they’re least expecting me to do/say something. Then I turn around and do/say just the opposite! I hate abiding by rules when expected to and my knee jerk impulse is to rebel. Now you know why I have 10 facts instead of 5 as per the rules of the tag! :P

And finally, lo and behold, I tag the first 5 people who read this post. And don't try and cheat your way outta this, someone up there is watching and it's not just my statcounter! Ha! :-)


The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

the tag said 5 not 10.
oh the diarrhea problem i see.

i will also do.

Sayesha said...

I read it second muahahaha! So you gotta tag 5 more pple muahahahaha! :D

Sayesha said...

I vouch for no. 7! :P Cos I'm still alive! :D

ferret said...

and i vouch for no. 10! :P

ferret said...

i am so prompt you wouldn't believe!!

R said...

Grrp, let's just say I never read this. :P

Anonymous said...

Hehehee... I didnt come wonly.. :P

Pri said...

vokai. i will do eet. i actually like tags. i think they're fun and i have that much free time at work. in fact if anyone who hates tags gets tagged ask for help i will totally make up 7 random facts about u.

Just Jane said...

You're gonna do the tag or do diarrhoea? Pliss to be clarifying.

Next time I will drive you around the bend, muahahahha! :D
Oh, and I lost count of how many people I tagged.

You rock! :D

#Mr. Talwar,
Darpok! Hmmmph :P

Plisssss....such details come under 'too much information' category. Next time kindly keep in remembrance, thank you.

LOL! You should be in the entertainment industry, you will certainly get rich quick :P

Unknown said...


combleted the tag! zeck out!

can I get those CDs?

Pri said...

See i told you i had lots of free time at work.

Anonymous said...

What much information and all? I did not tell anything wonly... You are a dirty mind... and I wont do this tag! :P

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

you are att-tagged!

Pri said...

i need an email id to send the invite to.

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

@ pri
janefield does not have any email address. you can send me any mail you need to send her and i will take care.

Anonymous said...

ROFL @ Lajjo....
*points fingers at Jane and laughs*

greensatya said...

Do I know you "coco captive" ? Are you an old timer in new avatar ?

Anonymous said...

LOLLL @ Lajjo & CC too :P
Nice ones, quite some I didn't know and ditto to some too :P Sheesh! Now if I happen to write same things, I'd be accused of copying you :/

Just Jane said...

Loved your short and sweet tag! Thanks for picking it up :)
CDs...arre let me get my hands on them first...

Good job, thanks.

Go on, be a bit unpredictable for a change. Try it, it won't bite :P

I'm being attacked totally. Hmmph!

Wot you laffing at? Now close your mouth lest flies get in.

Do the tag, I say! Please? :)

Try toh karo yaar.

Born a Libran said...

Here you go.

async said...

hey Jane....came to your blog through ferret's. Will be a regular here from now on:)

Born a Libran said...

You have to send me your email id if you want the links...

Just Jane said...

Thanks mate :-)

How cool are you?! :D

Kusum Rohra said...

And ur tag is done. Even I am dying to dance with abandon at some wedding :) and I guess this year end will hve plenty of chances of doing that.

Just Jane said...

At your own wedding you mean? ;)

Arrowhead said...

1. This I can vouch for.
3.You still love to dream, dear. Although age has made most of us cynical. Its time you allowed yourself that teeny weeny bit of luxury.
7.Your best driving have always been on the runway. You could drive with eyes closed. Wait a minute...they WERE closed most of the time. HEHEHEHEHE...