Saturday, October 10, 2009

Its All About aTEEtude! - Day 5

1st October, Day 5

Through the JGW website I came across this very interesting looking website called Inkfruit. A company that's innovatively called aTEEtude has partnered with Inkfruit, which sells captioned Tshirts and during JGW, they are offering one free Tshirt to be donated in Mumbai on October 3rd, for every Tshirt you buy.

I chose a Tshirt representing the famous fictional character QuickGun Murugan to gift it to a friend who loved the movie of the same name. It turned out to be one of the more expensive range of Tshirts at Rs.400, but that did not deter me as it was meant to be a gift of love, and moreover, one Tshirt would be gifted away by the company (in the same range as the Tshirt purchased) free to a street kid who goes to a night school.

I paid via credit card on the website and typed the lengthy form with the shipping address of my friend who lives many miles away in a different city. I visualized how thrilled and surprised she would be on receiving this unexpected gift by post!

Again it was the only thing I could do for the day, but I was very happy with my plan :-)


v said...

I'm pissed off.

Just Jane said...

Oye, kyun?! You ordered a pile of them for yourself no?

V said...

Yes, but I'm not getting a gift from you. So, this will be my last comment. Goodbye.

Just Jane said...

LOL! Naatak shuru. But why have you jumped the gun and ASSumed (:P) you are not getting a gift?

Just Jane said...

V, I have you seen you pull this stunt on other blogs. Get a bit unpredictable for a change :P

V said...

Very observant, are you?

How's this for being unpredictable? You are not getting a gift from me.

(I'll send you my mailing address via email. Please make sure it's gift-wrapped. And please use FedEx for shipping. Apparently, they guarantee delivery. Thank you.)

And this will be my last comment.

Just Jane said...

Excuse moi, you want to receive a gift but don't wanna give, eh? So much for my JGW posts!!! Waaah....paani pher diya sab pe!! Main yahaan paani baha rahi hoooonn!!! :'-(

V said...

Jane, I'll let you in on a secret.

(My Hindi sucks. Don't let Coco know about this but I had the Google Translator up during the exchange of emails.)

Aur yeh meri aakhri vaartaalab hai.

KD. K Bodhi said...

Eh! Dont use 'moi'. I find it irritating. Fists will fly.

P.S. Good work with all the charity. Motivated me to do something.

Just Jane said...

Gosh, one can't take the Hindi and another objects to French. Sigh...

Mr. K Bodhi, why do you hate that simple tiny 3 letter word? Pray tell :)

Glad you enjoyed reading about my expeditions! :D

Just Jane said...

I just noticed my typo @ excusez moi.

Oops, I did it again!

Will Mr. K Bodhi also threaten to leave and not return now?

With great effort I finally found two kind souls who comment on my poor blog, only to annoy them with my lingo! And I didn't even use any swear words!

Just Jane said...

@Mr. K Bodhi,

I dunno why but I somehow feel the term charity is offensive. Not comfy with the way it sounds - kinda patronising.

Giving sounds so much nicer, and feels great too :D Giving is like sharing something and you do it wholeheartedly. Sharing is caring!! :D

Ok, pls don't barf on my blog. The sweetness is getting to me itself. But this whole giving and gifting thing has made me all happy and gay. (Not that gay :P)

KD. K Bodhi said...

1. "I dunno why but I somehow feel the term charity is offensive. Not comfy with the way it sounds - kinda patronising. "

I actually agree.

2. A friend put a lot of these in perspective. He said we are being selfish even when we give to the poor. You give to the poor to feel good about yourself. Not because you really care.

I agree with him. If I really cared I wouldn't just donate money. I would actually do things.

But I had a good answer. At least it is a good thing that makes me happy, and in your case, also gay:D. Not fancy clothes or car.

Just Jane said...

@Bodhi, I agree with what your friend says too. Even a good deed sometimes boils down to selfishness, but like you said, at least it wasn't a selfish thing that makes one feel good :)

Its cool to be able to justify your actions and convince oneself, no? :P

Pallavi said...

good one.. let me see if there is something in Bangalore.. :)

Just Jane said...

@Pallavi, I'm sure Goonj has collection centers and an office in B'lore, pls check their website, link is in my blogpost.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaand I read what V wrote. I was damn right in assuming he had help. I know how bad his Hindi is!!

And this is another love fest comment thread! I am leaving!